Chapter 18

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Harry's P.O.V.

I set Grace down to see Deborah and Josh in the doorway... together, hand in hand, both out of breath. Anger suddenly rose inside of me, but I kept it down. Keep your cool, Harry. Your family and friends are behind you.

"Happy Birthday, Harry! Sorry, we're late." they said in sync. Did they plan this or something?

"Yeah thanks guys. This is my friend, Grace. My best friend." I said as I put my arms around her with a huge grin. My mood changed as soon as I remembered Grace. God, have i missed her!

"Hey, I'm Josh." he said, offering his hand, which she took gladly.

"Hey, I'm Debo-" I cut her off before she could say anymore and pulled Grace towards the cake.

"What was that about?" she asked me questionly, "she seemed like a really nice girl."

I just shooed her away and continued to greet my family that I haven't seen in a while. I'd have to explain to her later while we're catching up.

-after the party-

"PHEW, that was so many people! So, Harreeehhh, wanna tell me everything that's happened for the past three years?!" Grace said yawning, slowly laying down on my lap.

"Well, it seems like I missed a lot, too! How did the lads get a hold of you?" I really did miss the old times.

"They didn't. My mom still had contact of your mom and she thought it'd be nice to have me over for your birthday in a while and decided to fly me out here. I live in the states now and the jetlag was getting the best of me during the party haha." she said as her eyes slowly startred to close.

"You seem pretty tired, Gracie. You can sleep, love. We'll talk tomorrow." I said to her unconscious body. I was surprised she waved me away. So, I picked her up and put her on my bed and slept on the couch. Time to let everything go and just sleep.

Deborah's P.O.V.

"So how about that long story you were supposed to tell me earlier?" Josh cautiously mentioned while walking me to my flat. Crap, I totally forgot about it. Can I make up an excuse fast enough?

"Um... do you really wanna know?" nope, I guess not.

He nodded vigorously. I had to laugh at him. He frowned at me and looked to the ground, embarassed.

"Kid, you looked like you're having a seizure! But, okay. Come in, you can stay the night if you want to." his face lit up like a Christmas tree and skipped to my flat. I follwed behind, still laughing at his inner child.

We crashed on my couch with "You Be The Anchor That Keeps My Feet On The Ground, I'll Be The Wings That Keep Your Heart In The Clouds" by Mayday Parade in the back, and started small talk, like "so how's it going," "how's school" blah blah

"So..." he said quietly as he pointed to my arm.

I mentally sighed, I guess I couldn't stall for any longer. "So, basically last summer was my worst. I really don't wanna go into details cus it's gonna stir up really bad flashbacks, and I really don't need them back. Is that okay?" he nodded, so I started.

"My dad cheated on my mom with about 3 other women, and I found out in the summer of my sophomore year, and I kept it to myself for about two years before I finally decided to tell my mom about it. My dad came to visit us from God knows where he was, and during that time, my boyfriend at the time tried to convince me to tell them about my self harming of 4 years to them while I told my mom about my dad. I've told my older brother, and he was mad. He was sooo mad, it was actually kind of funny, but yeah he was mad so he never stuck around to stand up for me when my dad would verbally abuse me. But during one night, that one dinner, I decided to just tell them. While we were eating, I just shouted out, 'Mom, dad cheated on you.' They were both so shocked that I would just randomly say that out of nowhere. My mom started questioning my dad and my dad just sat there not even doing anything." I couldn't hold in the tears as I recall that night. Josh brought me in a tight embrace as he whispered something I couldn't comprehend into my ear.

"C-can we do" *hiccup* "a-another t-time" *hiccup* I asked him through my tears.

"Sure, love. Of course, sorry I asked you. I feel super bad for having you go through that again..." He said with a hint of guilt in his voice.

"No it's fine. It's gotta come out sooner or later." I said, giving him a sheepish smile. There was a huge spot on his shoulder with all my makeup smeared all over it. Oops, he's even wearing white, too. "Oh gosh. I'm so sorry. I'll give you a new shirt to wear, oh jeez i proabbly look super bad right now, ughhh. This is why I hate crying..." I ranted on and on until I realized I wasn't making any sense and realized Josh was laughing his ass off. Now, I'm just embarssed.

"You're hilarious, Deborah. Go clean yourself up, and yes I'd like a shirt please." he said with his cute laugh. asdfghjkl;.

"Alright.." I cleaned myself up, I looked like a freaking panda cus of my eyeliner and mascara. How did he not get scared by this, oh my god.

I went downstairs to see him shirtless. His body, oh god. Don't drool, Deborah.

"Ahem..." I threw the shirt at him and he caught it with no problem. Perks of being a drummer? Haha, oh god I'm so tired.

"Do you wanna sleep?" he said chuckling.

"Um, did I say that out loud?" I hate it when I do that.

"Yeah, haha. You can sleep, I'll get going." he said as he slipped my shirt on and smelled... it? "You smell really good."

I chuckled nervously, "haha, thanks... you can stay the night if you want to. I'd be worried sending you out this late. No funny business though, Mister."

"Alright, thanks. I guess putting this shirt on was pointless. I hate sleeping with a shirt on" (a/n I actually know nothing about josh so I'm so sorry if any of the things I say is wrong LOL)

I smiled as he put his arms around my wasit when we were falling asleep. It made me feel comforted, but Harry kept popping into my mind. His hair, his dimples, his smile, him. Stop it, Deborah. Josh is right next to you, why don't you understand that?


hai guysss so yep that's the chapter LOL omg ok i'm super lame. if we upload really late, it's cus i'm gonna be writing the chapters by myself and i'm usually not that big on writing but i love you guys and please vote, fan, comment. <3


xoxo, irishcurly_hair

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