Year 1, Chapter 1

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(Your POV)

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(Your POV)

"Y/N come on!"

"I know I know! Just let me put on my shoes!"

"Hurry! Father's getting impatient!"

"I'm almost done!"

"Ugh hurry!!"

"I heard you the first time Draco!"

Today me, my older brother Draco, and my father Lucius were going out to Diagon Alley to get school supplies. I could barely sleep all night! I was finally going to get a wand! An owl! Spellbooks! I'm deeply in love with all things to do with Hogwarts. Unfortunately, this resulted in me sleeping in far too late.

"Y/N", My father, Lucius Malfoy, called from downstairs, "are you done yet?"

"Coming!", I yell back at him.

With one last look in the mirror, I head downstairs where Father and Draco stand waiting.

"Took you long enough", Draco sneers.

"Oh shut it Dray", I respond, a hint of an amused smile on my face.

"Come," Father beckons Draco and me out of the house and past the front gates. He then disapparates with Draco and me on each side.

I'm being squeezed roughly on all sides. My vision has gone completely black and my hearing is gone as well. It's as if I'm being squished into a tight metal straw. Then, as quickly as it had come, the sensation stops. I'm now standing in front of a grimy old pub, The Leaky Cauldron. 

"I am never going to get used to that," I think to myself, holding in my vomit.

Father opens the small wooden door and heads inside, me and Draco right behind him.

He leads us through the building, his stride is tall and arrogant. We eventually end up on the back patio, a big, red brick wall cutting it off. I can barely hold in my excitement as Lucius lifts up his wand and taps on the wall in a specific pattern. The bricks start to shuffle and move around, finally settling to reveal a doorway.

Mouth slightly open from awe, I walk through the doorway and find myself in the middle of a crowded street, with different varieties of buildings and shops on each side.

Of course, I had seen pictures of Diagon Alley in my books. It just seemed so much more beautiful in person.

As I walk I look into the windows of as many shops as I possibly can. I just couldn't wait to see everything.

"Alright", my father's sudden voice breaking me from my train of thought, "First we're going to Gringotts, then we'll buy the supplies from your lists."

Draco and I give him a short nod before following him again.


We finally walk out of Gringotts back into the warm sunlight.

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