Year 1, Chapter 5

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(Your POV)

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(Your POV)

I'm walking alongside Hermione, the boys walking in front of us, up the giant moving staircases to the common room. Harry and Ron are blabbering on and on like gossiping teenage girls about Harry getting into the quidditch team. Normally I would join them in their squealy conversation but I have a pounding headache and I just cannot wait to get into bed.

"Honestly could they move any slower?" I think to myself, glaring at the boy's backs.

I quicken my pace and try to get in front of Harry so I can just leave them and get to the tower before them. Suddenly, the staircase lurches to the side nearly tossing me over. I grasp quickly for the railing, accidentally grabbing onto someone's hand on the railing.

"What's happening?" Harry gasps beside me.

I'm too busy worried about falling off that I don't notice the hand I'm clutching is Harry's. He turns his hand palms up and squeezes my hand back.

"The staircases change! Remember?" Hermione sighs.

Finally, the steps stop in front of an old wooden door.

"Let's go this way," Harry gestures to the door, removing his hand from mine.

I finally realize who the hand belonged to and I bite my lip from embarrassment and the small butterflies in my stomach.

"Yeah, before the staircase moves again," Ron says.

We hurriedly walk up the remaining steps and to the door. I'm the one who ends up closest to the door. Of course.

I sigh as I grip onto the old knob and push, expecting it to be locked. Surprisingly, the door slowly creaks open and we head inside. We are greeted by an ancient-looking corridor. Almost every surface is covered in cobwebs, layers of dust on the floor crunch under our feet as we walk.

"Merlin's beard! It looks like a ghost threw up everywhere!" I gasp at the abandoned hall.

"Does anyone feel like we shouldn't be here?" Ron gulps.

"We're not supposed to be here," Hermione sighs, "This is the third floor, It's forbidden!"

Ron and Hermione stop walking. I decide to stay with them just in case something attacks us, it can take Harry and the rest of us can escape.

I watch as Harry steps up to an old stone pillar. Almost immediately, the top of it bursts into flame.

"We should go," I say hesitantly, turning back towards the door.

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