Year 1, Chapter 8

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(Your POV)

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(Your POV)

After many weeks of countless essays, quizzes, and tedious lessons, Christmas break has finally arrived. The castle is covered in many different variations of decorations such as garlands, jingle bells, and lights. In the Great Hall, there is even a magnificent giant pine tree enveloped in all sorts of strange magical ornaments.

I decided to stay at the castle for the holidays as life at home could be quite boring. Because I'm staying, Draco insisted on staying as well. "To keep an eye on my little sister," was his reasoning.

So now, here I am, sitting at the long Gryffindor table watching Ron beat Harry at wizard's chess for the fifth time in a row.

"Knight to e5," Harry commands at the little figure on the board. It shuffles a few spots up and to the side on its own.

As the boys are playing their game, Hermione rushes into the Great Hall to our table. She's completely dressed in her winter uniform, clutching onto a few large bags. Last night, Hermione had told me she was going to go back home over the break. She was quite excited about the many things she would be doing with her parents when she got back.

I was quite disappointed because I thought I would be alone, but, thankfully, the boys are staying as well.

Ron stares at the playing board for a few moments, face scrunched up in concentration, before making his move, "Queen to E5."

The small stone figure shuffles around on the board, stopping in front of Harry's knight. The queen stands from her little stone seat and lifts it above her head before swinging it down, hitting the knight. The force from the blow causes the knight to shatter, small pieces of stone flying into the air.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione gasps.

Ron looks up from the board with a smug grin, "That's Wizard's Chess!" He looks down, eyeing her bag, "I see you've packed."

"I see you haven't!" Hermione retorts.

"Change of plans," Ron explains, "My parents went to Romania, to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there!"

"Good! You can help Harry and Y/N then," Hermione says, "They're going to go and look in the library for information on Nicholas Flamel."

Ron lets out a long groan, "We've looked a hundred times!" Harry and I nod in agreement. He's got a point, ever since we had found out about this "Nicholas Flamel" from Hagrid, Hermione's been forcing us to research constantly! Surely a small break wouldn't hurt?

"Come on Mione, we've been doing this for days! Plus, we've looked through the whole library!" I complain.

She leans onto the table and whispers just loud enough for us to hear, "Not in the restricted section..." Hermione straightens up and raises her voice back to its normal volume, "Happy Christmas!"

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