Year 1, Chapter 2

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(Your POV)I'm peacefully sleeping having quite the pleasant dream about

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(Your POV)
I'm peacefully sleeping having quite the pleasant dream about.. turkey legs? Suddenly, I hear a faint high-pitched voice calling out to me. It's difficult to make out what it's saying.

"Please miss... downstairs... breakfast... train..."

"noooooo...", I grumble, "5 more minutes.."

The voice calls out to me again, clearer this time.

"Dobby has been ordered to wake you up... downstairs and eat to get to the train..."

"yeah yeah mhm..", I absentmindedly reply.

"Please miss, you must get up now if you want to have time to get ready before it's time to go to the station!", Dobby said, his voice now clear.

And it was with those words I finally open my eyes and shoot up out of bed.

"Blimey! How could I forget", I think, mentally facepalming.

I look down to the foot of my bed to see Dobby, my family's house-elf, standing watching me.

"Tell Father I'm up and I'll be down in a minute."

"Right away Miss Y/N", he says scurrying away.

"Now, what should I wear?"

I head over to my wardrobe and look at all the many different options. I need to pick the best outfit. After all, it would affect people's first impression of me.

After trying on many different outfits, I finally settle for a simple black dress and coat. With one last look in the mirror, I move onto my hair, merely brushing it out and letting it flow down my back. I move to my bathroom and continue with my morning routine.


I trudge down the stairs dragging my heavy trunk behind me.

"Merlin's beard! Why is this bloody trunk so heav-"

"Ah look who's finally up", my mother, Narcissa, says lightly.

"Good morning Mother," I say as politely as I can, "When will we be leaving?"

"In a few minutes," Narcissa replies, "We're just waiting for your brother."

"Alright then", I say.

I finally make it down the stairs. I drag my trunk over to one of our black leather chairs and sit, waiting for Draco.

After what felt like hours I finally hear the sound of footsteps and a trunk from upstairs. I look up to see Draco struggling to drag his trunk down the stairs. This would be quite amusing if I wasn't so nervous.

"Finally", I think to myself relieved.

"Look who has finally decided to grace us with his presence!" I tease "Did sleeping beauty enjoy her beauty sleep?"

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