Year 2, Chapter 3

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(Harry's POV)

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(Harry's POV)

It's been about a little over a week since I was shut in my room. My bed groans as I toss and turn, trying to get at least an hour or two of sleep. A strike of hunger pangs into my stomach, causing my eyes to flutter open in annoyance, once more preventing me the glorious luxury of sleep.

It's been increasingly hard to sleep as my thoughts (and my stomach) keep me up. Will I be stuck here forever? Will my Aunt and Uncle really not let me go back? Hogwarts has been able to get me out of here once before, surely they could do it again? What about my friends, what will they do if I don't show up? My stomach sinks at the very thought.

I decide to try to fight down the growing roar of thoughts and insecurities flooding into my mind. It won't do me any good after all.

Suddenly, a strange rustling (or engine?) sound from outside my window breaks me from my thoughts. I slip on my glasses from the bedside table and squint through the bars outside my window, searching for the cause of this disturbance.

I'm greeted with the face of my best friend Ron and his two older brothers, George and Fred, grinning brightly in a baby blue Ford Anglia. The car is floating about 15 feet up in the air right beside my window. Magic, what a curious thing it is.

"Hiya, Harry!" Ron casually greets, acting as if this was a daily occurrence. Well, for all I know it very well could be.

"Ron, Fred, George, what are you all doing here?"

"Rescuing you, of course. Now come on. Get your trunk!"

"But, the bars?"

"Oh, don't worry Harry," Fred begins, George finishes the sentence for him, "We'll take care of that!"

Before I can pack my trunk, however, I have to sneak downstairs and steal my things from my old cupboard. Uncle Vernon stashed them there the moment I stepped into the house this summer, mumbling something about "magic willy nilly."

A loud creak from the old slabs of wood nearly sends my heart into a frenzy. Luckily, it seems no one has heard a thing, and I successfully manage to haul my things to my room.

"Now what?" I ask the three redheads.

Ron attaches a large metal hook to the thick bars fastened to my window. "You might want to move out of the way," George warns as they turn the car to reveal a large cable connecting the hook to the car. It doesn't take long for my brain to put two and two together. This better not wake the Dursley's.

I do as I'm told and press myself against the far wall. The brothers take this as their cue to begin. With a great sputter, the car revs forward, pulling the cable with it. For a few painfully slow seconds, the car strains against the rope, before finally pulling the bars from the brick, sending them clunking into the flowerbed below. It seems to have woken Uncle Vernon, as I hear a cough from him next door.

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