Chapter 3

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"Oh, hi Jack. Good to see you again." I say.

He looks up at me and says, "Um, yeah. I didn't know that you came here."

"Well, I come here everyday just so you know." he laughs.

"So do I. But, how come I'm only seeing you today of all other days?"

"I don't know. Maybe we take interest in different kind of books?"

"I guess so."

And it hits me. Why would Jack Wilkinson be at a bookstore everyday? I mean, doesn't he have to spend time with Aspyn - who by the way, is a very clingy girl - or go to parties and stuff like that?

"Hello? Earth to Chloe?"

I snap out of my wonders and look at him with a gentle questioning look.

"I was thinking that since your here, maybe we could go to In and Out? It's just a few minute walk."

"Um...ok! But I'm worried about Aspyn seeing us."

"Oh, don't worry about Aspyn. She's at her yoga class. Besides she doesn't like going to fast food restaurants."

"Wow! That is just the most saddest thing ever!"

He laughs.

There's something about his laugh. It just sounds so familiar like he's my long lost relative or something. But, of course he isn't.

+ + +

Once we find a seat, Jack offers to get the food and beverages. So, I take my phone out and see if I have any missed calls or messages. Surprisingly, there are. But, there all from my mom. She has left me a voice mail so I decides to listen to it since Jack isn't here yet.

I play the voice mail and I hear a sad voice coming from my phone. It's my moms.

'Chloe, I need you to come to hospital. Now. It's - it's your dad.'

Hearing the words 'hospital' and 'dad', I start to cry. I slowly look up and see a worried Jack.

"Chloe, what's wrong?" he asks.

"It's - it's nothing. Really." I lie.

"Chloe, I heard everything. Don't lie to me."

See, this is what happens when I answer my moms calls or play her voice mails in public. Someone hears it.

"I - I need to go to the hospital." I tell him while getting out of my seat and grabbing my backpack.

He stops me when I'm halfway out the door and says, "I'm coming with you."

"Look, Jack. Normally, I would allow for you to come with me, but not this time. It's my own family buisness. And I can't bring you into it."

"Ok, fine. I get it. But, at least let me drive you there."

"I can walk."

"No, it's way too dangerous. I wouldn't allow it."

I can't believe it, he actually cares.

"No. I'll be fine."

"Okay, well maybe this might convince you. Driving is much more faster than walking."

And with that, I give a slight nod. He takes my hand and brings me to his car.

I get in and he takes the wheel. I look at Jack and see that he wants to say something, but then he stops.

Once we get to the hospital, Jack offers to follow me inside for some friendly comfort but, I decline.

"Thanks, but, I think I should do it alone."

"Okay, be careful." I nod.

Once i've entered the hospital, I walk to the receptionist's desk.

"Hi, how may I help you young lady?" says the receptionist, with a smile.

"Um, may I please now which room Charlie Parker is in?"

"Ok, hold on. Let me check."

She types some things using her keyboard and then she turns to look at me and says, "Room 510." I smile at her and give her a gentle nod in reply.

When I turn around, I see my mother. Who is looking very worried.

I walk up to her and comfort her by saying positive things about my dad. She asks me how I got here. "One of my friend, Jack, drove me here. We bumped into each other in front of a bookstore." she smiles when I say 'Jack'. I wonder why.

An hour later, a doctor calls for my mom and leads us into a room which has the number '510' dented on the door. As I walk in, I hear a heart monitor, beeping and making it's usual noise. I find my dad, lying on the hospital bed, eyes closed and breathing soundlessley. I look at his heart monitor and see that his heart rate is at a reasonable number.

Good, he is still alive.

I turn to look at my mom and see a teardrop on her left cheek.

"Mom, please don't cry. It - it's gonna be okay. Just think positive about this." she nods her head and wipes the tears away with her index finger.

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