Chapter 14

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A couple of days had passed and I still have no idea if Katie is going to help me or not.

According to the clock placed right above the bed, it is 10:55 a.m. I try opening the door for the 15th time today since 5 am. I started to give up but then I heard a click on the door and I expected someone to walk into this room. Maybe to set me free, or to give me better food -I am craving some pizza at the moment. Have been since day one. But, no one came in to do any of those things that I had suggested. No one even came in. I decided to gain a little bit of hope again and try turning that silver doorknob once more. So I got up from the edge of the bed and walked towards the door. Before trying my luck, I looked under the door just to see if there were any feet there. To see if anyone was right outside this very door. There was no one, of course.

I tried to open the door but I was too scared, so I closed my eyes and kept repeating the words 'it will be okay' over and over again in my head. I have been doing a lot of that lately. I just need reassurance.

I turned the doorknob with my right hand and to my surprise, the door opened. This feels like a Narnia moment, honestly.

I walk outside the room and turn to both my left and my right just to make sure that no one will be able to stop me from leaving this stupid dump of a house.

As I was walking towards the front door, I saw something, almost like a gun, behind one of the bookshelves. I walk behind it and see that it is a gun.

Great hiding place, genius

I hear the sound of feet against carpet. It's him, it's that lunatic. I can't go back to being stuck in that room with disgusting food I never eat.

So I run. I run towards that front door that will lead to my happiness again. To my friends and my family. And fresh air which I really need right now.

I place my hand on the doorknob and there he is, behind me with his hand on my shoulder. I push his hand away and with all the guts I have, I point the gun toward him.

"Come on, you won't shoot me. Face it. You're too scared to shoot me."

"Oh, I will. Just wait."

"Just wait. Ha ha. Now, we can to this the easy way, you throw the gun to me and I let you go but you're mom, will be mine," as if, dickhead "or, you shoot me, the neighbours will hear. They will call the cops. The cops will find you and you'll be arrested for murder."

"You have neighbours? Wow, I thought that they all left because the stench of a dead body was starting to spread around."

"Only yours if you don't put that gun down."

Never in a million years.

So I did it.

I pulled the trigger and ran for my life.

+ + +

So, this book is officially over. It changed A LOT. But I guess I could say that I am proud of this. I will definitely write so much better in the future. Better books, totally.

I hope you guys have a great day/night.

I love yalls. BYE

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