Chapter 12

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My body awakes from its sleep but my eyes do not open. I feel as if I am on my bed, back at home. What if the plan worked but I just don't remember it ever happening so now I am back home. Safe and sound. Finally, after much consideration, I open my eyes only to find that I am unfortunately not back home on my lovely bed with my white comforter and the band posters on my white walls. Instead, I am in a room with baby blue coloured walls with a pink bedspread and absolutely no posters. The room smells like lavender due to a burning candle on the bedside table. It looks as if it has been burning for hours, almost days. I get up and my head begins to spin and I feel dizzy. So, I sit back down on the edge of the bed. Then I hear music playing in the background. It sounds like American Idiot by Green Day. It's a loud song but now it is playing really soft, like q muffled voice. I turn to my left, where the door is and I see a rectangular hole at the bottom of it. A tray is then being pushed by a pale hand and on it is coleslough, mashed potatoes and a small box of milk. Damn, this is like prison.

I take the tray and place it on the table in the room. On the table is a stack of magazines and a picture of what looks like a younger version of Katie and maybe her mom. She and her mother has the same blue eyes and red hair. She looks so much like her mother and not her father that I think the man whom kidnapped me isn't really her father. Okay, maybe kidnapped is a strong word, but I am currently in his daughters room and eating food as if I'm in jail. Where are these trays from anyway? I would never know. I turn to the right and see a window and I try my best to open it. It's locked. What if I stay by this window, hope for someone to wander in front of this house and that they will be able to see me and then I ask them to help me but not everyone can read lips. I need paper and a marker pen. I look everywhere for the paper and find none. I remeber the magazines. I take all of the magazines and hope that there is one with a plain back cover. Thankfully there is. Now I just need a marker pen. I hear my stomach grumbling but I am too afraid to eat the food that was given to me but I take my chances.

+ + +

During my search for a marker pen, the door opens to reveal a man standing there with a grin on his face. "Looking for a way out, I see." he says. I turn around and see Katie's psychotic - no offence - father standing there at the door. He looks at the scattered magazines on the ground; some pages ripped from its hold on the magazine spine. As if terrified of what he saw, he ran out of the room, slamming the door. What was that?

I turn back to where I was looking for the marker pen and to my luck, placed at the very corner of this room lays a black Sharpie. I take it and write on the blank magazine cover: "PLEASE HELP ME! CALL THE POLICE! I HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED!".
It may or may not work but it is all I have. I pace around the room, the food given to me slowly turning as cold as winters day. I look around the room, still looking for a way out but obviously, there isn't. I wonder why Katie's dad was terrified of what he saw. Maybe this room brought back the memories of when Katie was a happy little kid and when his wife was still alive. Maybe he changed. No, he's still has you kidnapped. If he changed, he would have probably let you go by now. True.

I sit back down on the bed and cry as much as I can, letting all of my emotions out, I can't handle this anymore. I just want to die and get over with life.

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