Chapter 9

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Usually when I wake up, I'll be super sad and will be dreading going to school that day. But not today. Today I am most probably the happiest girl in the whole of the milky way galaxy. I know that's a bit too ambitious, but it's true. I just got a voice mail from the hospital in the middle of the night  that my father has woken up from his coma. I am - in fact - speechless about this. Also, I'm not dreading going to school today because I can't wait to tell Katie about this. Yesterday, Melissa, Katie and I were talking about life, basically, and when Melissa had to leave, I told Katie about my personal stuff that I don't talk about to anyone else and vice versa. I know we just met and all, but I really think we can be great best friends.

I got out of bed and got ready with a smile on my face. I picked out my most favorite clothes.

                            +   +   +

I had a few periods of boring subjects. But, because I came late to school, I didn't get a chance to tell Katie, so I decided to wait for lunch or Chemistry.

Apparently, lunch and Chemistry had passed and I still had not seen Katie. I got worried. A lot of things can happen to Katie.

Yeah, especially since Aspyn is on the verge of making Katie a full suicidal person.

What?! I did not think of that before. Ugh! I hate my conscious and also myself for allowing me to believe what my conscious has just said. I tell the vice principal that I had come down with something. At first, he told me to just visit the school nurse and continue on with my day but I managed to convince him that I shouldn't because it was very bad. He believed me so, kudos to that.

I practically sprinted to Katie's house. I didn't know where it was so I had to knock on everyone's door. There was only one house that no one had answered the door to. I would've left and continue, but lights were left on in the house and there was a car in driveway. The door, was unlocked. So I opened the door and I saw a pool of blood followed by a stream of blood that led to where, I don't know. I followed that stream of blood that eventually led to the backyard. It stopped at the center of the backyard. There was something fairly odd about it. There was a certain part that brown instead of green like the grass.  It was as if someone killed someone or something and dug it in the ground right here. I was close to taking out my phone and calling 911 until I heard two voices. Female and male. The female voice sounded oddly familiar. Katie. I gasped almost too loud and because of that the two voices paused. I hid behind a fall and started eavesdropping on their conversation once the started talking again.

"What are we going to to with the body." asked Katie?

"We already dug it up."

"Yeah, but that isn't enough, what if someone sees this and calls the cops. We'll go to jail."

"No one will call the cops and of so, who cares of we go to jail? I've been there a ton of times."

"Thats you, dad. Not me. What happened, was a mistake and I finally have a friend. She's awesome and I really don't want her to go. Or - or be scared of me."

Katie's dad is in on this? Oh my god!

"Look, just go clean up the blood and I will clear the other evidence. Once you done with the blood, call mom's friends and family and tell them that she had a stroke and died."

"But she's only forty! No one will believe us."

"Okay, fine. Then you think of another way, genius."

After that, Katie and her dad had stopped talking and went off to do their best on removing the evidence. I can't believe my ears. My best friend, along with her father, is a murderer. I have to get out of here before any one of them find out that I eavesdropped on them.

I practically ran out of their house and straight home. When I got home, I went up to my room and took my laptop. I booted up my laptop and used my tech skills to try and hack into Katie's computer. I tried my best to gain access and maybe find something about her. I managed to do what I wanted.

Apparently, Katie has a diary on her laptop. This is good. I took a look at some of her entries. She has titles for each entry, which made it easier for me to find the right ones. There was only one entry which caught my eye. It is titled "My father, the drunk".

My father, the drunk

Tuesday, 14th July 2015

I don't know what to do. It's 2 a.m. My father came home, drunk, as always. My mother tried to stop him from drinking anymore, so she hid all the beer bottles from the fridge and their room. Unfortunately, he found out and smashed a bottle on her head. Thank God she didn't have any major injuries. But there was something that he said that kept me wondering, I still am. His exact words were "I'm not done with you." and then he stormed off. I'm worried about what he is going to do to mom. There was probably only one thing that happened today that made me happy. I met this girl, her name is Chloe. I think we hit it off well enough for us to be best friends. But she's so sweet and kind that she probably has a lot more friends than just me.

That was it. I can't believe what Katie wrote. Now I don't have the heart to tell her about my knowing of this. But I guess there is only one way for me to help her. I'm going to ask her if I can sleep over at her house for a few days. She can say no. I have a plan. And it can not backfire.

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