Chapter 13

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"Chloe, wake up. We have to go. Now!"
"Go where?"
"Home! Where it's safe."

I wake up with tears in my eyes. Remembering every single detail of the dream. From what my mother was wearing to her hazel eyes. Days have past and I am still in the same room with the same white walls.

What if there really is a way. What if that dream wasn't really a dream but more of what is going to happen soon. A vision. Don't be stupid. You're stuck in some room, not even eating the food you are given and you're already claiming that you have visions of your mother coming to save you. Face it, Chloe, you won't be able to leave this place until that man dies.

I fall down onto my knees, tears streaming down my face. I try to stop crying but all I can think of is the fact that I will never be able to get out of here. I'll never be able to pursue my dreams. Never be able to become a bestselling author. My life is ruined all because of one person. One person whom I thought is - was, my best friend. I trusted her and she betrayed me by kidnapping me. She's probably not even thinking of a plan to help me escape. She probably never even bothered to use my plan. She was my only friend, and now my only escape plan.

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Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter and super late update, I went to camp and came back with a bad flu and writers block and I thought the best I could do was to publish this chapter already instead of making you wait. Again, sorry.

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