Chapter 2

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"Aspyn! What the hell is wrong with you!" shouts an unfamiliar male voice. I look up and see that the male voice is, Jack.

Jack picks me up and asks me if I'm okay.

"Um...yeah. I'm okay." I say, confused.

He turns around to look at Aspyn and says, "I thought you were better than this." Then, he takes me over to the nurses office even though I keep telling him that I'm okay.

+ + +

Once the nurse is done with me, she gives me a paper that I'm supposed to give to my teacher so that I won't get a detention slip for being late to class.

As I walk out of the nurses office, a hand pulls me back. I turn around and realise that it's Jack.

"Hey, umm...Chloe Parker, right?" He asks

"Wow! Jack Wilkinson actually knows my name!" I say, with sarcasm.

We both laugh.

"Um..look. I'm really sorry about Aspyn. I don't know what got into her."

"It's okay."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is. Besides your not my dad and neither are you my boyfriend so stop caring about me. I'm just a stupid nobody.

"Don't call yourself that. It's not true."

"What do you know?"

"Well, not much," I smile at that. "But, I do know that what you said is not true."

"Well, technically, it is."

Before he can say anything else, the bell rings and he gets up from his seat.

"Want me to walk with you?" he asks.

"Nah, it's okay."

"I insist," he says. "Come on, what class do you have now?"

I take out my phone from the small little compartment in my backpack and check my schedule which. I took a picture of my schedule just incase I forget.

"Um, English with Mr. Cory"

"Well, good. Because I also have English with Mr. Cory."

I look at him with a confused look and say, "That's good because?"

"Because I get to walk with you to class."

+   +   +

Once school ends, I take a bus to my local bookstore. But, when I'm walking, I hear an annoying voice.


Run. Now!

So, I do what the voice inside my head tells me. I run.

When I get to the bookstore, I walk over to the librarian.

"Hey Julie. Do you have that book I told you to put on hold?" I ask.

First she looks at me with confusion then says, "Ah, yes." she takes out a book from a shelf behind her and hands it to me. "Here you go, Chloe."

"Ok, thanks."

"Tell your mother I said hello."


I walk out of the bookstore, opening the book I collected which is titled 'The One", and start reading it.

Its a few seconds later that I realise that I did the wrong thing. Why? Because, I bumped into someone.

"Chloe?" says a famlliar voice.

I look up and realise that it is Jack.

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