Chapter 7

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I don't get it. How could he do that to me? After saying that he loves me. How could he?

I'm crying now. It's 3 am and I'm crying.

+ + +

My life is like a complicated textbook. I don't even want to live anymore. Who needs me anyway?

I walk to my bathroom and open the small cabinet that is stuck to the wall. I grab a knife from inside the cabinet and place it on my arm. I start to cut short lines across my arm. There are six red lines. It doesn't hurt that much because I have done this before.

My mom once caught me cutting myself when I was just twelve years old. Ever since then, I stopped. But now I'm seventeen. I can't handle it anymore.

+ + +

It's 7 am. School starts at 8. I still have time to get ready. So, I put on a grey sweater that says: 'Coffee.' and my black skinny jeans. I wear that with a gold chevron ring and put on light makeup. I only wore the sweater to cover up my cuts.

I go downstairs to make some breakfast. Today I just made some pancakes and ate it on the car ride to school. My mom was driving me to school. So, I don't advise doing two or more things at once when you're driving. It did get a little messy with the maple syrup and all but luckily I didn't get any on my clothes.

As I wall down through the hallway, almost everyone is staring at me. I realize that it's because my sleeves are rolled up and you can see my cuts. I quickly unroll my sleeves and carry on.

Our Chemistry teacher came in late so I just did my homework while waiting. I may seem like a nerd, but that doesn't mean that I don't procrastinate. When I see Jack walking into class, I quickly try to hide myself. But I'm too late and he see's me. He walks up to me and with a concerned look says, "I'm sorry about what I did with Aspyn. But you have to know that she is my girlfriend."

I laugh at what he just said.

"You said you love me and then you make out with your 'girlfriend'. That is the most stupidest thing a guy has ever said to me." I say with air quotes at the word 'girlfriend'.

By then, I'm saved and our Chemistry teacher comes in and immediately gives us homework. Which is one thing that I hate about her.

+ + +

I walk towards the kitchen and I'm shocked at what is in front of my eyes; a paper with my dad's will written on it.

No, this can't be. This must be a dream. It has to be.

"Oh hi honey. I didn't know you were going to be back so ear--"

"What is this?" I say, picking up the paper.


"Dad isn't--dead. Is he?"

"Chloe, the doctors called and said that his condition is critical."

"So you just assumed that he is going to die. Right?"

"No. I was clearing up his stuff and I found this in his drawer."


I didn't know that my father already had a will prepared. It almost makes me think that he got in that car accident on purpose. Almost.

When I get to my room, I look at my desk and see a bunch of college applications. There's just way too much stress that I can't even look at them.

+ + +

Hey guys! So, I decided to update every Sunday. Hope you liked this chapter. Byee!

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