Introducing Faith Telford

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Name:Faith Marie Telford-Scott

Date of Birth :October 9th,1986

Birth Place:St.Thomas General Hospital



Parents: Filip Telford & Freya Marie Telford nee.Scott

Godparents :Elliot Oswald and Morrigan Aslinn Scott

Sibling : Maxwell Telford

Job:Teaches Ballet at Charming Little Dancers ,Teaches Self-Defence at Charming Community Hall ,Part Time Family Nurse Practitioner at St.Thomas


Master's in Nurse Practitioner

Master's in Theater and Dance

Master's in Psychology

Master's In Human Behavior

Schools Attended :Lil Charming Preschool
, Charming Elementary,
Charming Middle School,
Chaming High School (Class of 2003:Valedictorian )
,WOU (Theater and Dance Major Class of 2006)
,OHSU (Double Major in Psychology and Human Behavior Class Of 2008),George Fox (Nursing class of 2009),OHSU( Nurse Practitioner Program and Apprenticeship class of 2011)

Previous Work Place: Nurse at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Portland Oregon

Background: Faith is daughter to Filip Andrew Telford and Freya Marie Telford Nee. Scott , both who were formally involved in the IRA . She's known as the SAMCRO princess because of she was the first daughter to an SOA member.

Faith grew up with Harry"Opie" Winston, Jackson'Jax' Nathaniel Teller , Donna Leaner and Tara Knowles.

Tara and Faith never got along because of Tara's views of the club and during high school she would refer to Tara as Tart much to Gemma's amusement.

Faith had a great relationship with the SOA old ladies and she was often told she would be the future Queen of SAMCRO and the SOA ,she often ignored this comment because she knew of Jax's love for Tara.

In the fall of 2002 Faith decided to go to college in Portland and has not been home for almost 11 years.

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