Time Carries On..

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"You taught me the courage of stars before you left.
How light carries on endlessly, even after death.
With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite.
How rare and beautiful it is to even exist.

I couldn't help but ask
For you to say it all again.
I tried to write it down
But I could never find a pen.
I'd give anything to hear
You say it one more time,
That the universe was made
Just to be seen by my eyes.

I couldn't help but ask
For you to say it all again.
I tried to write it down
But I could never find a pen.
I'd give anything to hear
You say it one more time,
That the universe was made
Just to be seen by my eyes.

With shortness of breath, I'll explain the infinite
How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist."

-"Saturn" Sleeping At Last

Faith just sat there untill midnight remembering that night Jax kissed her, her first kiss was given to her by Jackson Teller ,her best friend and crush ,she signed, maybe things would of been different if she hadn't left ,but she couldn't refrain herself and live in the "what if's " of life ,of course it hurt her leaving Charming,but she didn't regret it. There were bad times in Portland,but there was also good one and at the end of the day it had been her decision to leave Charming,nobody forced her ,she could only hope that she'd have the strength and courage to deal with those demons haunting her....

6 Months Later

Everything was going alright in Charming, well as well as it could be, Faith taught ballet classes at Charming lil'dancers with Mrs.Marrero, she taught self-defense to former domestic violence victims and she worked part time at St.Thomas as a Family Practitioner Nurse .

Today marked 6 months since Faith's return and 7 since Tara 's death , 5 since Faith realized that she still loved Jax, 5 months of helping around with Abel ,4 months of Jax not being there for Abel and Faith was done with that ,she understood that Jax had just lost Tara and he needed time to mourn but he was neglecting his son. Abel was always with Faith ,if she went to teach ballet he went with her, if she went to teach self-defense ,he went but when she had to go work at St.Thomas he stayed with Brooke ,Abel's baby sitter and apparently Rat's girlfriend .

Faith had to talk to Jax and try to get him to be in Abel 's life again ,it wasn't right that Jax wasn't in that little boy's life ,it wasn't that little boy's fault that his mother died "Abel sweetie wake up"she said as she brushed his blonde hair away from his eyes.

"Hi momma Faith"he said in a sleepy voice ,he had the habit of calling her momma Faith or mommy after a week of knowing her and Faith was alright with that she understood that Abel needed a mother and she was ok with him considering her that. "it's time to get up baby"she said "ok"he responded as Faith stood and picked out his clothes, a pair of dark wash jeans and a captain America T-shirt with a dark blue zip up hoodie and his black converse "Are we having waffles today?"he asked "sure baby ,get dressed and I'll make 'em "she said , Abel had his own room at her house and she'd picked up most of his clothes and toys and brought them over since Jax had been staying at Diosa.

"Mommy ,I'm done !"he said as he ran to the kitchen ,she quickly let Fonzi out to the backyard and continued to make waffles ,she soon finished and cut up Abel's into 6 pieces and set it on the breakfast nook table and turned on the Tv she set up by the counter and put The Amazing Spider-Man "Abel Breakfast is ready "she called out "can I have some juice and syrup "he asked as he sat down "sure baby"she said and went to grab him a glass of Orange juice and syrup "here you go baby "she said "thank you mommy"he said "I'm gonna go change but I'll be right back ok?" She said "ok mommy"he said .

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