Settling In

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Third Person POV

A week after Faith's Return

It was now 12:30 pm and Faith was enjoying it by relaxing in 2 story home ;a 5 bedroom ,2.5 bath,a great kitchen,a sun room ,a basement ,2 car garage with an open concept setting and a surprisingly large backyard that had a shed  and a cellar right next to it,she spent all week by personalizing her house and had started by going out to Lodi and Stockton to buy frames , paintings ,lamps,throw pillows,candles and small Harley Davidson knick knacks and slowly but surely her house became her home.

Faith was glad that she had her mother and Gemma look for a house for her before coming back to Charming away from the town and closer to the surrounding nature ,and they had found her house 5 minutes outside of Charming, 10 minutes away from T-M and Jax's House,she was also glad she had sent her bigger furniture and personal items from Portland to Charming courtesy of the Portland Charter.

She'd gone all out on her house had a secret safe installed under the stairs with a bookcase covering it,had a vent in the kitchen that hid a pre-pay ,a gun and KA-Bar knife and a set of keys ,she also had her kitchen island customed to the basement which was made into a movie room but also had a passage into her garage and outside towards the shed or road and all this was done by the club and Faith's friend Harmony,who with the help of her working crew had it done before she came back to Charming.

She now sat in her now sat in her sun room ,well laid in her black French Chaise Lounge ,a day bed you could say, and was looking through a photo album of her teenage years,when she heard knocking, confused she got up and walked towards the front door but not before getting her gun from a secret compartment behind a "We The People "custom painting she'd gotten a birthday present from former Marine and SAA Kozik ,who had passes away a couple years ago.

  She quickly walked to the door and  looked through the peephole to see Jax  and Abel ,she quickly tucked in the gun into the  waistband of her yoga pants and opened the door "Hi"said Jax as soon as she opened the door "Hey ,what brings you here?"she asked as she ushered them in and closing the door behind them "Well I thought it's time Abel met you properly "he said as the little boy shyly smiled at her,"Hi there "she said smiling "Hi"he said "I'm a friend of your Daddy's my name's Faith ,I'm your uncle Chibs daughter and Maxwell's sister "she said "Your pretty like my mommy"he said ,the mood in the room quickly tensed as Abel's words sunk in ,her eyes quickly watering, her heart breaking for this little boy who'd lost his mother at such a young age "Thank you ,but I bet your mama is much prettier than me"she said "Yeah but she's in heaven with Grandpa Piney and Grandpa Clay "he said ,a tear slid down Faith's face

She quickly wiped it away hoping Abel hadn't seen it but he had "why are you crying Ms.Faith?Are you sad?"he asked curiously as he shifted in his father's arms and closer to Faith ,"I'm not sad buddy "she said "why don't you help me bake some cookies yeah? "She asked "yeah !"he said Jax quickly put him down and Abel quickly went towards Faith as she led him towards the kitchen...


2 hours later

"Wow he's a ball of energy "said Faith as she looked out into the backyard to see Abel by the hammock

Playing with Faith's German Shepard who'd she named Fonzi ,a 2 year old guard dog she'd received from her Great Uncle McGee "yeah ,he sure is but he's worth the exhaustion and the hard work "he said as he set the coffee cup down "How are you Jax?"she finally asked as she  shifted in her Chaise Lounge .

He huffed and paused for a moment "it was my fault"he said blankly "what was your fault?"she asked "Tara's death"he said ,his usually loud and happy voice ,was now cracked ,emotionless, broken "oh Jax "she said as she stood and walked to the chair he was sitting in and knelt in front of him and made him look at her by grabbing his face "it wasn't your fault, you didn't pull the trigger, you loved her "She said as his eyes filled with tears "She wouldn't want this for you Jax neither would I "she continued "But you have to make the club legit ,I'll help anyway I can ,I won't allow anymore deaths Jax, No more redwood blood will be spilled "she said as she hugged him her hands resting slightly below the reaper that was stitched on his kutte "I'm glad you came home Faith "he finally spoke as his arms wound her closer to him until she was basically cradled to him chest.

This woman who'd he'd known for almost 30 years ,this girl who'd he'd chase around TM before his father's passing ,before he'd met Tara, before he wanted to be a Son ,this was the woman who'd he'd given his pure unrequited love too ,His first love ,but a love that he'd hidden in fear of losing her ,unknowing that she'd felt the same way.......

Hours later...

"I'll see you tomorrow morning Abel"she said as she walked them to the door "Ok Ms. Faith"he replied in a sleepy voice as he snuggled into his father's chest "Thank you, for dinner ,for today and for coming home Faith "said Jax as he looked at her.

That dark hair he was use to seeing loose had been  pulled in a messy bun ,a stubborn curl that had fallen out of the bun ,resting gently at the side of her face "it's no problem, Drop him off at 9:30 tomorrow morning alright?"she said as he finished buckling Abel into his car seat"yeah ,goodnight Darlin'"he said as he climbed  into his black truck "bye Jax "she said,she watched as he drove off she signed and walked back into her now empty home ,past the stairs,the living room and the kitchen and into her sun room where her photo album was ,she slowly turned the pages until she found that picture, the picture was almost 12 years old and still looked the same as it did that day ,as if the picture it self was still freshly printed, she sat there and reminisced of the past ,especially That day..........

A/N:next chapter is a flashback and please remember that this story is AU meaning certain things will be different! 

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