The Mad King

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"We fear death,the unknown.

Death fears us the unknowable.

We fear Death's necessity ,

Death fear our Divinity"

-Sri Chinmoy

"Grandma told me she killed my first mommy " was all Jax could think of "She told me " Abel's voice repeated in his mind it. Could his mother really been capable of doing this? Was his mother responsible for Tara's death? Why? And if she had killed Tara , what was he going to do about it?, he exhaled shakily "Jax?" he heard Faith say , her voice snapping him out of his thought "yeah?" he asked "Are you ok?" she asked worried , her eyes filling with concern as she ran her hands through his hair ,he inhaled ,Was he ok? "I'm fine darlin' " he reassured "it's been a long day " he said as he pulled her into his lap ,she leaned back slightly to see his face, she knew something was wrong , there was something off about Jax and it had nothing to do with the club or Abel. Something happened , and she was going to figure it out.

"Did you guys eat the lasagna I left you?"she asked as she leaned into him , he nodded as he rested his head near her collarbone, her scent began filling his senses ,his mind began pushing away his thoughts back as he concentrated in the feeling of her in his arms "I went to your folks house today"he said as she played with his hair 'Yeah?"she asked " yeah, your Grandfather agreed to a sit down in a month and a half at the ports " he said as he twirled a dark curl around his finger "That's great baby" she said enthusiastically "Let's hope everything goes smoothly " she added as she stood" where are you going?"he asked confused, she smiled "Well , I haven't spent time with my old man all day"she said as she reached for his hands pulling him up "And I want to show him how much I love him... "she said as she led him to their bedroom to show just how much she's missed him...

The next morning, Jax woke up earlier then usual but he still laid in bed,he signed ,'What time is it?' he thought as he ran a hand through his messy hair ,he turned his head slightly to a sleeping Faith ,after their long session of love making she'd put on his black t-shirt and fallen asleep ,her head resting on his chest ,his arms wound tightly around her small waist.

Last nights confession came reeling back to his mind Gemma had killed Tara,His mother killed the mother of his 4 year old child and acted as if she did nothing, But had she really killed Tara? He was so confused and didn't know why to think Trevor he thought Trevor was sent over by Freya he remembered I'll ask his today he thought ,his attention was suddenly on Faith as she shifted slightly in her sleep.

He hadn't told Faith what Abel had told him last night and honestly how could he? Faith got along wonderfully with Gemma, and she'd also spent all day yesterday with her ,That would explain Abel's behavior he thought, no wonder the little boy had freaked out so badly yesterday he was scared that Gemma would kill Faith just like she'd done to Tara ,Jax felt his stomach knot up at the thought. He potentially sent the love of his life with a murderer he knew as his mother, he gently rolled Faith on her back and off his chest and thankfully she didn't wake up,he quietly got up from their bed and walked to the bathroom and showered.He turned as he walked out the bedroom, he spent a couple seconds just looking at Faith's sleeping form and signed Time to talk to the Prospect he thought as he closed the bedroom door behind him and headed towards the front door.


2 Hours Later


When Faith woke up she realized two things :Abel was now by her side and Jax wasn't here ,she propped herself up and rubbed her eyes ,she turned to see a sleeping Abel snuggled up to his father's pillow. She quickly got up and went to the walk in closet to pick out clothes for her shower ,she took her time washing her hair and conditioning it ,when she was finally done she stepped out . She dries her hair ,she stopped momentarily and rested her hands on either side the vanity and signed, something was wrong she knew that and it bothered her not knowing what was wrong ,But what could she do about it? Nothing and that bothered her immensely,she signed again and finished drying her hair and throws it up in a bun and puts on a loose dark blue cami with dark grey shorts.

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