Long Live The Queen

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"I've also seen that great men are often lonely. This is understandable, because they have built such high standards for themselves that they often feel alone. But that same loneliness is part of their ability to create."

Yousuf Karsh

Faith woke up the next morning alone which didn't surprise her at all ,she knew that there was a lot going on with the club but why didn't he at least say goodbye? She quickly checked her phone and saw that she "had no missed calls or messages ,she signed This is going to be a long day" She thought as she stood from the bed and walked to the bathroom.

Just as she stepped out of the shower she heard her phone ring , she quickly wrapped her towel around her body and wrung the excess water from her hair ,she began walking to her phone to answer it when it stopped ringing ,it then beeped to notify her she had a missed call , she unlocked her phone to see that she had a missed call from Jax ,she was about to call back when her phone beeped again notifying her that a text message had come in ,she opened it to see a picture of Jax and a blonde woman kissing rather suggestively ,she sucked in a breath of air.

How could he do this? She thought she knew this picture was recently taken because he was wearing the red flannel she'd bought for him a couple days ago ,the club haven't gone runs recently so he couldn't use the "what happened on a run ,stays in a run "rule with her ,she wasn't angry at him but she was disappointed that he couldn't remain faithful to her.She signed as she turned off the screen and continued getting dressed. What a start She thought

2 1/2 Weeks Later

It's been almost 3 weeks since Jax last spoke to Faith and he knew that was completely his fault , after all he was the one pushing her away , he didn't know why he was pushing her away , but deep in his subconscious thoughts it was because he didn't want her to know that his mother might be the person involved and responsible for Tara's murder, the woman who had helped shape his beliefs , his morals, could potentially be the woman who ripped away the mother of his son and Jax didn't know if he could process the thought of that being the truth and because of this he was causing a drift between him and the woman who held his heart.

He knew he was hurting her by not talking to her ,by staying at Diosa, by not spending time with Abel, but how could he look at his son in the eye? And especially with what he'd said? He could face his son and for that he began pushing them away unknowingly. Jax was stuck and he didn't know what to do anymore ,all he wanted was the truth was that so hard to ask for? But he needed to talk to the prospect.

Since they'd found out that he left Charming they'd come in contact with the Mayans and their charter in SoCal and by lucky chance he'd been seen by the Mayans in Modesto by a crappy run off the mill motel. The sons had decided to go and retrieve the prospect today and bring him in for questioning but part of Jax wanted to keep living in the lie, he didn't want to believe that his mother was capable of killing Tara but there was that seed of doubt,the part of him mind that did believe she was capable, his mother was an overprotective woman ,it was her way or no way and part of Jax already know the outcome of this but he just wasn't ready to face it ,not just yet.

"JAX, LET'S GO !"he heard Bobby yell from outside "I'm Going! "He yelled as he stood from his chair and walked to the door.



Teller-Telford Home

5:19 pm

Oh God she thought as she ran to the bathroom once again to empty out her stomach, Faith had been puking a lot this past week but it probably wasn't anything serious ,she'd probably caught the stomach flu from one of the patients she'd been assigned to during her rounds at St.Thomas ,at least this is what she thought it was ,She groaned as she flushed the toilet and got up from her knees and quickly rinsed her mouth and used mouthwash to get the after taste out .

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