Another day another party

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Cassey and Roslyn continued to get ready for the party, doing each others makeup and hair. Cassey wore a pair of ripped jeans and a tank top, a blue jacket tied around her waist. When it was time for them to leave they made sure that the boys were in Theo's room before tip-toeing to the door. Roslyn's other friends didn't message her back so she assumed that they weren't going. So the two walked down the street, making small talk. Cassey and Roslyn glancing at each other every few minutes. When they arrived at the house where the party was it was still small. Roslyn looked at Cassey,

"You want to circle the block a few times so we can go in when everything is in full effect?"

Cassey shrugged and nodded. They continued walking down the street as the sun began setting. Cassey had a million things in her head, What was Roslyn going to tell her? Was Elliot going to be at the party? Was her plan going to work tomorrow? Were they going to be safe? Would her aunt Z be there tomorrow to take Collin away? Was her aunt going to be kind or would she be as bad as her father? There were so many possibilities what was going to ha-


Cassey snapped out of her thoughts, Roslyn had stopped and was holding her wrist,

"About earlier, I think we need to be honest with each other. We have known each other for years, been through everything together. This could be the last time we ever hangout and.... can be honest to each other face to face."

Cassey stared at Roslyn in confusion as she nodded. Roslyn took a deep breath before grabbing Cassey's other hand,

"Cassey I think I have feelings for you. Like romantic feelings. When I see you I just want to be with you, protect you. I see you in pain and I feel pain. You deserve the world. We could run away when we graduate. Take Collin with us and live our lives, together."

Cassey stopped breathing, Roslyn was... in love with her? Was that the feeling she had for Roslyn? Roslyn watched Cassey for a reaction, Cassey let out a nervous laugh, her stomach was doing flips,

"U-uhh Rozie..... Wow. I didn't know..... I uhh.... wow.... umm."

Roslyn slowly let go of Cassey's hands, her face dropping.

"Its ok. You don't feel the same. I hope we can sti-"

"NO.... I mean.... I.... uhh... I think I feel the same?"

Roslyn smiled, speechless, grabbing Cassey's hands again.

"So... what does this mean?"

Cassey shrugged, holding Roslyn's hands tightly. A rush of relief washing over her. She felt like her life was finally turning for the better. Maybe she didn't need to find Elliot tonight, yes she was told by the weird voice that she had to join Elliot's cult but now there was a new option. She didn't need the cult to save her.

"Well since we feel the same, can we say we are together? I know you have to keep your father's reputation positive so if you don't want to we can be a secret."

Cassey shook her head,

"We can say we are together if you want. I would honestly like that."

Roslyn nodded and smiled, looking down at her feet. Cassey in that moment realized that Roslyn was a few inches taller than her naturally. She grabbed Roslyn's chin, lifting it so that they were looking in each other's eyes,

"I feel like this is right. I actually feel something right now. I never felt anything with Brian, I always felt something with you though."

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