Aunt Z

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Cassey looked around her room frantically, trying to see who was whispering. The room began to spin as it got darker. Cassey collapsed on the floor, blacking out.

It was dark, a dark void. It was silent, the air felt heavy. No way to move, no place to go. There was whispering as a floating sensation takes over. Everywhere and no where at the same time. Open your mouth to scream but there is no noise other than whispering. Drowning in the void. The whispers slowly get louder until they are screaming. Cries for help. They need to be saved, only they can help. Then silence, it came soft,

"Join Elliot. The eyes will save us. You just have to be loyal flower. You're beauty could save many."

It was still, nothing could touch her. In this space nothing could hurt the Flower. She was safe with the whispers. Reassurance that all would be well in exchange for loyalty and unconditional love. A simple nod and the fall. Nothing to hold her from hitting the Earth. She would be safe none the less.

Cassey opened her eyes and slowly sat up. She pondered on what she went through. Was it a message? Was it a vision? Was that real? She stood up, the house was still. She grabbed her bag of clothes again before someone or something said,


Cassey stopped and nodded. It's all she wanted in that moment, revenge against them. Everyone who had done her wrong. She walked around and was sweet to everyone. A smile plastered on her face to every laugh, every taunt, every name and punch. She deserved better. It had to start with her parents. Cassey quietly opened her door, her mother's sniffs coming from the kitchen.

"She'll be there for a little longer Cassey. Why not go into the lion's den? Get her phone. Set them up. You are a smart girl, figure out how to get what you deserve."

Cassey giggled as she quietly made her way to her parent's room. Entering it as quietly as she could. She looked into the dim room, looking around for her mother's phone. She went to their bedside table, looking through the drawers. She found an old address book. She opened it and saw numbers and addresses for people she hadn't seen in years. Cassey put the book in her bag and continued to search for the phone. Usually she would be scrambling around a room she wasn't supposed to be in but strangely she felt safe, at ease for once in a long time. She felt on top of the world, unstoppable. She tore through the room, looking everywhere for the phone. Only when the room looked like a tornado went through it did she give up, guessing that her mother had it.

"Fucking Bitch has it on her, fucking whack."

Cassey rolled her eyes and chuckled to herself. The new attitude felt...... freeing. She opened the door and headed towards the kitchen where her mother was trying to prepare food for her husband.

"Hey, I need to barrow the phone. I need to call uhh.... Brian's mom. I accidently took her sweater and need to know when would be a good time to give it back."

Cassey's mother looked at her, confused.

"You'll see her tomorrow at church, give it to her then."

Cassey bit her lip, thinking of what to say back,

"Well.... she wanted to wear it to church tomorrow. I don't want her getting cold."

Her mother glared at her,

"Why would she give you something that was for church to wear at all? Why didn't you have your own sweater anyways? You always have that bulky yellow one your grandmother sent you. What was so different that day?"

Cassey sighed, showing the aggravation on her face. why couldn't she just hand her the damn phone?

"she gave it to me to wear while I was there studying with Brian. It was raining so my yellow sweater was in the drier, drying. Now can I please have the phone?"

Her mother glared at her and shook her head,

"Just go over there like you usually do and drop it off. I do not think she will mind if you drop it off. She might be thankful you did, not bothering the poor woman with phone calls."

Cassey groaned, scaring her mother

"Just let me barrow the phone mom. It'll be quick."

"Cassandra Maria Newgate! How dare you speak to me in that tone? I am your mother and I demand some respect when you speak to me."

Cassey threw her hands up and sighed,

"Look I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just want to make sure it is a good time to show up. Brian doesn't know where she would want it and his dad would lose it. I just want it to be convenient for her, no trouble caused, y'know?"

Cassey's mother stared at her, disturbed by the way Cassey was acting.

"Why are you acting so weird? We brought you up to speak properly. You have been around that Roslyn girl too much."

She grabbed her phone from her pocket and handed it to Cassey.

"Be quick, your father should be calling when he is on his way back home."

Cassey took the phone and nodded before slowly walking away. When her mother turned back to making food she ran for the door, opening it and slamming it behind her. She held the phone in one hand and the bag of clothes in the other as she ran down the street. She didn't stop, the world felt slow again. Was she about to pass out again? Her lungs started to burn, she couldn't breathe. But she didn't stop running, she was going to be free from them and couldn't stop. She passed Roslyn's house but she kept running. She ran until she tripped, scrapping her knee. Cassey sat of the pavement, gasping for air. Her chest felt tight, there was no air going into her lungs. She sighed and lifted her shirt, taking the ace bandage off, almost instant relief followed. She sat there breathing heavily. Her fingers were tight around the phone still, she glanced at it. She just had to find the number that would ensure Collin's safety. Cassey grabbed the notebook with her mother's families number. She looked through the numbers, calling each one. She got up after awhile, each number either being blocked, disconnected, or some stranger answered saying they didn't know a Betty. Cassey went through them all until she got to her aunt Zoey. She sighed, she was the last person in the notebook so if she didn't answer she would be out of luck. She dialed the number and sighed as she walked towards Roslyn's house. Suddenly a lady answered,


Cassey stopped in her tracks as she took a deep breath

"Hi, is this Zoey Cardigan?"

"Yea doll, who is this?"

Cassey let out a shaky breath and laughed,

"Holy fuck, aunt Z it's Cassey. Your sister Ophelia's daughter. Please don't hang up."

"Cassey? Oh my god I haven't heard your voice since you were.... fuck maybe 6 or 7? How are you baby? How's Collin? Your mother?"

Cassey laughed,

"It's a long story, I promise to tell you everything if you just do me a favor. Please aunt Z, it's a life or death situation."

"Of course honey, what do you need?"

Cassey took another deep breath and prepared herself for the request,

"If I give you our address will you be here by tomorrow at about 2? Collin and I are going to need someone."

The other side of the line went silent, Cassey's vision became blurry as she went through the possibilities of what her aunt could answer,

"What's the address Case?"

Cassey smiled as tears fell from her eyes, she gave her aunt the address and said goodbye before hanging up and walking to Roslyn's house. Her plan was coming together, all she had to do was go to the party tonight and find a certain cult leader.

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