And so it begins

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Soon the four arrived at someone's house, a party was clearly being thrown. There were teenagers spilling out from the house. Music from inside could be heard from inside the car. Once they all got out of the car guys were already trying to talk to them. Cassey stood close to Roslyn as they walked into the party. Soon Roslyn saw Scott and started talking to him. Cassey stood by for a few seconds before some random guy put a drink in her hand. Cassey looked at Roslyn to which Roslyn shook her head, taking the drink and placing it on a counter. She grabbed Cassey and Scott and dragged them to the kitchen to grab actual drinks. Cassey stared at her drink when she got one as the other two drank,

"Come on Flower, it won't hurt you. I would never put you in harms way. I put some stuff in yours that'll numb that pain from falling."

Cassey took a small sip, the alcohol taking over her mouth. She looked back at Roslyn who was pouring another cup already. Cassey quickly drank whatever it was she was drinking and handed Roslyn the cup,

"Whoa, done already? You might want to pace yourself. I know this is your first time so you're light weight. Try just sipping for now. I promise you don't have to keep up with me."

Cassey nodded and sipped on her drink. She took this moment to look around, seeing people she knew and didn't. She even saw the kids that called her fat today. Roslyn poured Scott another drink and looked at Cassey,

"You know them?"

Cassey nodded,

"They call me fat and snort at me."

She looked back at Roslyn who shook her head and mouthed 'you aren't fat'. Cassey blushed and mouthed a thanks. Suddenly a song came on and Scott grabbed Roslyn's hand, pulling her to dance in a crowd of others. Cassey stayed where she was and watched Roslyn dance. She couldn't help but wish she was the one dancing with her out there. Cassey quickly shook her head and quickly downed her drink, pouring herself more after. She began to think about Brian. Was he still with that girl? Cassey wasn't upset or mad that Brian cheated on her. She didn't feel anything on the matter. It felt like something to shrug off. She sipped her drink and decided to just listen to the music. The Brian problem could wait. Cassey listened to the music and watched people, pouring herself more to drink when she was low. After however long Cassey overheard a few girls talking about a guy, almost making fun of him. She rolled her eyes, no matter where you are people still make fun of you. Cassey leaned against a counter as a guy stood across from her. She sighed and placed her cup down and looked around for Roslyn, who disappeared with her boyfriend probably.

"What are you doing here?"

Cassey looked over to the guy across from her. She shrugged,

"Why do you care?"

He smirked at her and got closer to her,

"Cause your dad's got a thing against these kids. I wonder what he would say if he found you're here."

Cassey side eyed the guy then looked forward

"Let's just say there would be no words. Only actions."

The guy watched her as she poured another cup.

"Why do you stay?"

Cassey rolled her eyes.

"Why do you care?"

The guy chuckled to himself watching as Cassey sipped her drink

"Ok. Ok. Well aren't you like... Engaged to that one guy?"

Cassey looked at the random guy

"We just broke up. He's in bed with some girl"

The guy nodded

"So you're just here then?"

Cassey nodded

"Sippin alcohol like there's no tomorrow."

The guy stared at her

"You know the world is completely fucked? Like we are fucked."

Cassey giggled and looked at the guy.

"Everything is fucked man. There's no saving it."

The guy got close to her

"What if I told you there is a way to save it?"

Cassey looked at him, confused

"I'd say you're crazy. You can't save humanity. Not even the God my father talks about could."

The guy moved his hair out of is face to reveal an eye on his forehead

"Forget that god, he doesnt exist. But if you come with me I can teach you what is real."

The guy offered Cassey his hand. She stared at him

"You're fucking crazy. What other God could you be talking about?"

"Not God. Gods. The eyes. They tell me they want you. You're someone who seems to know that everything isn't ok or going to be. You're smart, loyal. I need loyal by my side."

Cassey looked away from the guy and shook her head. The guy took a small step away from her.

"I once was like you. Lost, going day by day. But then the eyes came to me and changed everything. The world is on fire and they will save us all."

Cassey looked at the guy as he smirked and gestured for her to follow. She left her cup and followed him.

"So by chance whats your name?

"Cassey. Can I get your name before I commit to anything?"

The guy looked at her and smirked again, Cassey was slowly finding the smirk...... Hot.

"Im Elliot. Leader of the church of many eyes."

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