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The next morning Cassey woke up and went to the bathroom. She looked into the mirror, her raven hair was partly covering her cloud gray eyes. She quickly covered her bruises up with makeup to the best of her ability, it was hard to do her eyes lately but she managed. While getting dressed she noticed something weird on her shoulder. She got closer to the mirror, putting her glasses on and glanced at a marking. It looked like an eye with a heart shaped pupil. Cassey shook her head thinking maybe her brother wanted to cheer her up and drew on her while she slept. She had no time to take a shower to wash it off so she put on her yellow sweater and skirt before putting on a ring and leaving the bathroom, going to the kitchen to grab Collin a banana for breakfast. She quickly went to her room and woke Collin up to get dressed. He was so scared to leave her side since their father threw a lamp at him a few months ago. So he slept in Cassey's room. Collin got up with no fuss and got dressed. Once he was ready Cassey handed him the banana and they were on their way to a friend's house. Collin rung the door bell and soon a girl with toffe bronze skin and thick dark brown hair opened the door, Roslyn. Cassey waved to her as she smiled and held up a finger. She let Collin inside as she grabbed her bag, soon joining Cassey on the sidewalk.

"Heya Flower, whats poppin?"

Cassey smiled and laughed, shaking her head as they began to walk,

"You know, just waiting for graduation and this wedding to be over. Once I'm 18, Brian and I are moving far away from here."

Roslyn laughed,

"Yea, I think that's my plan with Scott. But we are leaving this place before getting married."

Cassey smiled and looked at the sidewalk, thinking of Brian. He was her fiance. It was weird to think that she was engaged at only 17 but it was true. Brian was a nice guy and her father loved him. They had been dating for only 6 months before her father said he wamted her to marry Brian. So it was set that day forward that they were engaged, bound to be married by the time they graduated.

Suddenly Cassey's thoughts were interrupted by Roslyn's hand in her face,

"Helloooo? Earth to Cassey? You thinkin about Brian again?"

Cassey smiled faintly and nodded. Roslyn rolled her eyes

"Can I be honest with you Flower? I know you'll probably be upset after but I just wanna tell you something."

Cassey nodded and looked at Roslyn, admiring her beauty, she looked at Roslyn's lips as she spoke.

"Brian is a great guy, but I feel like he has a secret.... You know..... Asshole side. But I also feel like you aren't that into him. I mean really Case, 6 months and you two are already engaged? Scott and I have been dating 3 years and we aren't engaged. Maybe you two are rushin' you know?"

Cassey laughed and shook her head

"My dad loooves Brian. We breakup he won't be happy. He's ready to sign for us to get married. Trust me, Brian and I are going to be ok. Don't worry so much."

Roslyn opened her mouth but before she could say anything a guy walked up to her, picking her up and twirling her. Roslyn laughed as Cassey looked to see Roslyn's boyfriend, Scott. Cassey rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to go find Brian. Talk later."

Cassey left as Scott and Roslyn began to talk and laugh.

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