Cheater cheater

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Cassey got home and straight away started her homework. It was less than usual so she was done quickly. After finishing she sat in her room, looking out her window. She sat there and felt a small itch on her right shoulder. She scratched it but it started to hurt the more she touched it. Cassey looked at her shoulder to see the weird eye with a heart on her shoulder. She rolled her eyes, thinking it was just a small reaction to the pen. She got up and decided she needed to wash it off. Cassey grabbed a towel and some clean clothes. She took a quick shower and scrubbed her shoulder but the mark wasn't even smudging. Cassey scrubbed harder, the mark hurting more. She looked at it in confused. She touched it, her finger feeling an outline. She sighed and got out of the shower, drying herself off and getting dressed in her spaghetti strap and skirt. Suddenly she heard the front door close, Cassey thought that maybe Collin was home a little early so she quickly wrapped her hair in the towel and went to greet her little brother. But it wasn't Collin who was home, it was her father. He looked at her and immediately looked at her shoulder,

"What is that?"

Cassey stepped back as her father started getting closer.

"I-I think it's just marker s-sir. I tried washing it off but it's not coming off."

Her father grabbed her arm and pulled her to him, her glasses flying off her face and falling to the floor. He started rubbing the mark, making it sting. He starred at it for another moment before slapping Cassey,

"You slut! You got a tattoo!? How dare you mark your body? Do you know what God would say about this? Huh? Do you?"

He threw her onto the floor. Cassey shook her head

"N-no sir it's not a tattoo. I swear it's not. I could never afford a tattoo sir."

Her father kicked her in the side, hard. He kept kicking her, yelling at her. Cassey tried to cover her face from his shoe. She sobbed and tried to breathe but her lungs felt restricted. Cassey trued to scream but nothing came out as she gasped. Eventually her fwther stopped and shook his head before he headed to his study. Cassey slowly got up, gasping for air as the front door opened. Collin walked in, seeing Cassey on the floor. He quickly went and helped her up trying to help her to her room. She looked at the clock on the wall that read 5:15 p.m. Cassey shook her head and pointed to the door. Collin looked at the door then back at Cassey,

"Can you walk? I can't carry you down the porch steps without a little help."

Cassey nodded and tried to stand up to get to the door. Once she was able to get a pair of flip flops on she opened the door. Collin went and quickly grabbed her glasses off the floor, handing them to her. She took them and smiled, putting them on. She knew where to go, Brian said that if she needed to take a breather ever they were welcome at his place. It wasn't that far from their house so they began walking slowly to his house. They finally got to Brian's house and walked in through the kitchen, it was always unlocked unless they were sleeping or just not home. Collin sat at the kitchen table as Cassey went to tell Brian they were there. She climbed the stairs to Brian's room. Once at his door she lightly knocked and opened the door to see something that just made her confused.

Brian was scrabbling to cover himself and trying to hide something under the blanket,

"Mom!! I'm not doing anythi- Cassey?"

Suddenly whatever he was trying to hide was moving and popped out. It was the girl he was tutoring or "tutoring" Cassey stared in confusion until everything pieced together.

"Cassey, baby, its not what it looks like. I swear."

Cassey blinked and closed the door before going back down stairs to Collin. Collin looked at her and got up. Cassey smiled and grabbed Collin's hand.

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