Never catching a break

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Cassey walked into school, looking for Brian. She passed by a few people laughing at the same guy. Among those people she saw a few of Roslyn's friends. She quickly passed and kept searching for Brian. Eventually she found him talking to a girl. Cassey wasn't the jealous type and wouldn't start today. She quickly snuck up behind him and poked his arm,

"Hey there stranger. You new to these parts?"

Cassey laughed at her own joke as Brian turned around, his face red.

"Oh..... uh hey darling! How are you today?"

Cassey hugged him tightly and shrugged,

"Would be better if time passed faster. But I'm okay today. And you?"

Cassey looked at Brian, wondering why he wasn't hugging back.

"I'm fine. I guess. Just talking about what she should study for their anatomy test."

Cassey looked at the girl, she was shorter than her. A little slimmer but pretty. The girl scrunched her nose at Cassey.

"I gotta go Bry. Talk to you later."

And with that she walked away. Cassey looked back at Brian and smiled,

"So my dad wants to talk to you about you being apart of the family. He's excited. He is almost ready to just sign the papers today"

Brian rolled his eyes,

"Yea I bet he's excited that you won't be there to protect your brother. By the time we're 18 he'll have been there, alone, for two years. Maybe we should try and postpone the wedding until closer. Just to make sure we can get custody of him sooner."

Cassey put her finger to her lip and thought, letting go of her fiance.

"Yea true but he'll wonder why you want to postpone. What are you going to say then. 'Mr. Newport, sir. I believe we should wait for marriage because we are going to get full custody of your son. No hard feelings sir'. Yea that'll go great. Next thing you know he's throwing me across the room and you're kicked out."

Brian rolled his eyes and started walking, Cassey followed

"No, I'll just say I think we should focus on school and not a wedding. Or at least I need to since I'm the one that'll be bringing the money in."

Cassey slowed down and looked at him wide eyed

"I-I thought you said I could go to college for my psychology degree."

Brian shrugged

"Where will you get the money? We only have enough for me. My parents are fine paying for my college if your parents help pay my tuition too. You know, like the plan? Now come on, we are going to be late."

Cassey nodded and followed. Once they got to their classes they parted, Cassey going to AP English, one of the easier subjects. Cassey sat at her desk, feeling the kids that sat behind her watch. She got out her notebook and pencil as one kid sat next to her,

"So Becky said she has a diet that would be really good for you. You should consider it. Brian might leave you if you can't fit even a simple shirt. You wear the same sweater daily. So either you don't own anything else or you're trying to hide how fat you are."

Cassey ignored the kid as the bell rung, making them go back to their seat. From then the day seemingly dragged on. Each class seeming longer than the last. At the end of the day Cassey waited for Brian outside. She waited a few minutes, a few kids walking by snorting and mooing at her. Soon Brian came by with the same girl as that morning. She walked over as the girl started laughing

"Hey, Brian. We still hanging out today?"

He looked at her then back at the girl, who looked disgusted.

"Actually can we reschedule? Anne needs help studying for anatomy and I said I would help. You know how hard that class is."

Cassey nodded and smiled

"Yea, I get it. Well goodluck and happy studying."

Cassey kissed Brian's cheek before leaving them so she could find Roslyn and walk home with her and Scott. Usually Roslyn was at the back of the school talking to her friends. Cassey headed that way through the crowd of people. After bumping into a bunch of people and seeing the same guy getting laughed at from that morning she found Roslyn with her friends and Scott. Cassey waved at Roslyn and she returned it. One of her friend's looked at Cassey in disgust.

"Rozie, ignore it and it'll go away."

The other friend laughed and Scott tried to hide his smile. Roslyn rolled her eyes,

"Cassey, what's up? I thought you were going to go home with Brian."

Cassey shook her head

"He's helping someone study."

Roslyn nodded and smiled,

"Which means you're free. You should totally come to the party tonight then. It'll be a blast."

Cassey quickly shook her head.

"I have to watch Collin and make dinner. You know how my parents are."

Roslyn muttered something to herself then shook her head,

"Well you're still welcome to come. Collin could spend the night and so could you. I'll get my mom to call yours and have that mom talk they have sometimes.Her and dad are out of town so it'll just be the 4 of us. Just be there by 7. We are going shopping right now if you want to come with for that?"

Cassey once again shook her head

"Homework. But thank you. I'll see you later."

Cassey smiled and hugged Roslyn before turning to head home.

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