This is gonna hurt

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Everything felt still, again. Everything yet nothing. Screams could be heard but they sounded the same no matter the direction you turned. Searching for the source, it's so loud. Abruptly it stops, calm washes over. The room around lights up, eyes in every picture again. A door opens but as soon as someone is about to walk in a loud


booms in the room, the door closing as slumber escapes the grasps of the receiver.

Cassey woke up, trying to catch her breath. She looked around, seeing a room the she didn't recognize. She caught her breath as she started to stand, her head was banging from the night before. Where was she? Did she have a one night stand? No, her clothes are still on. She seemed to be in a living room, a nice one at that. She felt a rush of nausea hitting her as but it slowly faded. Cassey quietly looked for a door, she saw no need to stay in some strangers house longer than she needed to. Today was an important day, a day that had to end according to plan. Nothing could stop her from completing what had to be done. Cassey grabbed her shoes from the night before and quietly tipped toed to find a door, once she found it she let out a sigh. She slipped her shoes on, wondering if her parents had called the cops and were trying to find her and Collin. But then again they thought they didn't have anywhere else to go, they would always have to come home. Of course they were extremely wrong today, today would be the last time they would see their two kids in a long time. Cassey let out another sigh before reaching into her pocket for her mother's phone, left pocket was empty, so was the right. Cassey began to panic, she checked her back pockets, empty. She patted down her chest and pants more, nothing. She closed her eyes, trying to think where she saw the phone last. She remembered the party, Elliot put an address in the phone, she went to get a drink? Then..... no she got a drink then Elliot put the address in the phone then she..... wait.... yea. No? Maybe. She knew she had it at some point last night, hopefully she had it when she got here. Cassey took a deep breath before quietly opening the door, stepping in to find the phone. She slipped her shoes off before tip-toeing to where she had been sleeping, searching on every surface that is close, nothing. Cassey began to get worried, if she didn't have the phone she wouldn't have a way to call the cops or even Elliot's address. She could always look up his address, it might be on the internet. But how would she even get on the internet? She looked around more as the sound of footsteps came. Cassey scrambled to hide, she ended up ducking besides the chair, couch thing she slept on the night before. The footsteps got closer, stopping when they were close to where she was hiding,

"You know you're really bad at hiding, right?"

Cassey slowly stood up, her face flushed. She was met with a familiar brown haired boy. Cassey looked up and stared into his eyes, instantly getting lost as her stomach began to turn.

"Elliot? What are you doing here?"

Elliot stared at her, unimpressed. Cassey smiled nervously.

"This is your house I'm guessing."

Elliot nodded, not breaking eye contact. Cassey looked away as her stomach turned again. She only felt this feeling when she was with..... She looked at Elliot again

"You brought me here? Why? What happened last night?"

Elliot shrugged,

"You were on acid and having a really bad trip. I heard you scream so I went to see what the commotion was all about. When I found you a guy had sexually assulted you or at least it seemed like he did cause he was cussing that you bit him and you were sobbing. So I brought you home with me because you looked scared. Plus you were crying so I felt since we knew each other it would be kind of me to take you away from it."

Cassey nodded slowly as Elliot sat down,

"So you still want to join or......?"

Cassey stared at him, before slowly nodding,

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