A birthday dinner and a proposal of intentions

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Here they were, hours later on Eddy's family home. Everything that Eddy cooked turned out amazing, even to his surprise. They were going to have dinner with Eddy's mom. Now, Eddy had warned Brett about how his mother could be so much to handle.

Brett said he didn't mind because he had been raised by an equally tough mother. At that, both just laughed. Ah, Asian parents.

Brett was sitting at the dining table with Eddy's mother. They were chatting while Eddy prepared the food that they were going to eat. They all sat down and said grace. Eddy grabs himself food but his mother contradicted him.

"Don't you think that's too much rice?" She asked and Eddy looked a bit sad.

"Auntie, I'm sure he's fine. We both eat at the same portions." Brett said as he had grabbed rice with the same amount as Eddy's. Eddy smiled at Brett.

"That's true, we both have quite the appetite. Especially with Asian cuisine." Eddy said, as he looked at Brett.

"Besides, I can't stand people who eat two bites and say that they're full when they haven't eaten anything. I mean, I understand that some have quite the small appetite but not my Eddy." Brett said holding Eddy's hand.

Eddy's mom was shocked. This guy was terribly perfect for her son. Eddy smiled and mouthed a thank you to Brett. Brett just replied by kissing his hand.

"So, Brett, my son told me that you are professor in the same university as he is?" Mama Chen asked.

"Yes ma'am, philosophy to be precise." Brett said politely.

"Your mother allowed you to study philosophy?" She asked again, very shocked.

"Yes auntie. But I made a promise to my parents that I had to make a good career out of it. I was supposed to study music but my parents disagreed. Philosophy was next to my actual passion." Brett replied, Eddy was looking uneasy due to his mom's question.

"I see. My Eddy once told me he wanted to study music, too. He played the violin quite godly, him and his sister played the piano very well. I didn't allow him, though. It's good that he studied English literature but I was still quite hesitant. I'm just glad that he had a good job now." Mama Chen said, feeling the awkwardness. She cleared her throat and asked Brett another question.

"You played an instrument too, Brett?" She asked quietly.

"The violin, auntie. I played in competitions and all." Brett remarked quite humbly.

"Ah, yes. My Eddy won competitions too. He even got to play the solo. What was it that you played, Edward?" Mama Chen asked Eddy.

"The Barber Violin Concerto, ma." Eddy said with a smile.

"Ah yes, the one with the very fast last part... My Eddy was so good. Such a shame he doesn't play anymore..." She continued as they ate. "Anyway, I hope you had a nice birthday. How old are you again, Brett?" She asked.

"Thirty-eight, auntie..." Brett responded. Mama Chen's eyes light up.

"So, you're in the age where you're supposed to have children? Aiyah, when I was your age Belle was already a eighteen and Eddy was thirteen..." Mama Chen said and Eddy could sense the discomfort.

"I'm getting coffee, who wants coffee?" Eddy perked up, to stop his mom from babbling away.

"I do..." Brett said, smiling at Eddy.

Mama Chen was about to speak up again but Eddy cut him off by asking questions.

"Decaf or regular?"

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