The Hospital

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I slowly opened my eyes and realized that I was lying in a hospital bed. My head was spinning and my entire body hurt.

" J-Junko...? Is that you or am I just dead?"

" Oh my god! You're ok!"

She came over and gave me a hug.

" Ow..."

" Sorry."

" You're one tough bitch you know that."

" Well... When you jump out a window and run down the street bleeding out not knowing whether or not you're gonna die I think you earn the title."

" Doctor said you put up quite a fight, you had a lot of defensive wounds. As well as a broken leg, 7 broken ribs, 4 missing teeth, over hundreds of glass shards some of them were really tiny and were deep in your wounds, you have a fractured skull as well as a mild concussion and 33 deep stab wounds... and not to mention you were in a coma for 2 months..."

She paused for a second and then started crying.

" Y-you're lucky y'know... We were so sure that you were never gonna wake up... One of those stab wounds was...Only a inch away from your heart... Not to mention if you didn't get out that house when you did you 100% would've bled to death.."

" How did you do it?"

" Do what?"

" Find the courage to jump out that window?"

" My instincts told me that if I was gonna die it couldn't be in that house, no one would've ever found my body.... So that's why I did it."

" I'm such a dumbass. I should've taken you the second I saw you with him. Maybe then you wouldn't be lying in this bed."

" It really isn't your fault. He had a gun on him, there no telling what he would've done to you if you kept questioning him. That bitch is crazy as all hell."

" Do you know how long I was gone for?"

" Almost a year. The day I saw you I went right to the cops like you said. Even though I kept saying you were in trouble I had no proof to show it they couldn't do shit yet. I was this close to breaking into that house and getting you myself."

" I'm just so glad that you're ok now. I promise you that I'll never let that happen to you again. No one is getting into this room without me knowing. Hell, I even have bodyguards outside your room, just to keep the press out."

" Thanks... But you really don't have to do all that."

" Yes the hell I do. You were kidnapped, I don't need anymore weirdos in your life."

" Does my face still cute?"

"...Not really... But but! Once all your scars heal and we get your teeth fixed you'll be good as new I promise."

" Well thanks for being honest."

I then heard sounds coming out of Junko's pocket, she pulled out a walkie talkie and spoke in to it.

" Two detectives wanna talk to you. Is that alright?"

" Yeah it's fine."

" Yeah send them up."

Junko sat back down in the chair next to me and we waited for the detectives to come.

" I'm lieutenant Kirigiri this is detective Naegi. We're both glad to see that you're."

" Thanks, but why are you here exactly?"

" We arrested the culprit in your kidnapping."

" W-wait... You arrested him?"

" Yes, he is currently in our custody."

" If I could move on my own I probably would hug you both."

" We're here to ask you to testify at his trial."

" Wait wait wait. I can I talk to him about this?"

" Of course, it's just his testimony will help put him in prison."

Junko moved her chair closer to me.

" Listen, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. I understand if you don't ever wanna see him again and you just want to move on with your life-"

"I'll do it."

" Wow that was quick. You sure you don't wanna think this over?"

" I'm very sure. I'll do anything to make sure that bastard rots in prison. So what is it you need me to do?"

" We need your full statment."

" That's all? I suggest you start taking notes cuz I've got quite the story to tell."

" Naegi start taking notes."

" How did this all start? When did you first come into contact with him?"

" It all started when he broke into my house..."

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