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I'm not putting up with this anymore. I'm tired getting raped, I'm tired of being handcuffed to shit and I'm especially fucking tired of wearing fucking dresses. I'm not doing this anymore. I'm gonna find my way to escape. And that day is today. I managed to sneak a knife when he wasn't looking and for the past few weeks I've been hiding it under my pillow. My goal is to kill him, or at least stab him enough so that I could escape. I was lying in bed when I felt him grab my ass.

" No...Please... I really don't feel good... My stomach kinda hurts..."

" My poor little angel... Why don't I get you some pepto bismol."

He kissed me on the forehead and then he left the room. This is probably my one and only chance, I can't fuck this up. I grabbed the knife from under my pillow and hid it under the covers. Then he came back in the room.

" Here you go."

When he got close enough I pulled the covers back and pulled the knife out and tried to stab him in the neck but I missed. He grabbed my wrist and took the knife from me. He pulled me out of bed, forced me to the ground and repeatedly slammed my head hard into the wall until he saw blood, he was doing it so hard that he knocked a lamp over. When he finished he stepped on my leg hard, I cried out in pain. He repeatedly kicked me in my stomach hard until I coughed up blood. Then he grabbed me by the hair.

" Oh... You fucked up now..."

"...F-f-fuck you..."

I managed to sputter that out. Then I spit blood in his face, that definitely pissed him off more. I managed to kick him and worm my way away from him and I limp ran into the living room. I started banging on the door and screaming as loud as I could, until I felt something cold and sharp pierce my back. He stabbed me. I coughed up more blood and slid onto the floor. He stabbed me in the leg that I'm pretty sure is broken.


I screamed again as he sat on top of me and stabbed me repeatedly. He stabbed me everywhere my chest, stomach, arms, legs. As he did the I scratched his cheek and drew blood. I tried to defend myself but he just kept slicing my arms, if I'm gonna die I'm not gonna die without a fight. I mustered up enough strength and kicked him off of me the knife went flying and I tried to get it but before I did he grabbed my ankle and pulled me back on to the floor. He sat back on top of me and held my wrist as he held the knife above me.

" We could've had a nice life... But you had to go and fuck it all up didn't you?! It's too bad I'm going to have to kill you, you were so cute too..."

Before he had time to stab me again I ended up grabbing the knife from him and stabbed him in the arm, that caused him to get off of me. I got up and slipped in my blood a little. There's only one way I can get out of here. With the little strength I had left I took a running start and jumped head first out the window shattering it. It hurt like fucking hell. I managed to pick myself up and as loud as I could I started screaming while I ran down the street covered in glass, barefoot, with what feels like a broken leg and I'm covered in stab wounds and blood.


I noticed that I was drawing attention and people were coming out of their houses. I kept screaming and I could feel myself losing my voice. As soon as enough people gathered around me I stopped running and screaming and collapsed in the middle of the street. I could hear voices slowly fading as I blacked out. I don't whether I'm gonna die or not but  it doesn't matter, as long as I didn't die in that house I don't care what happens to me.

My Favorite Stalker (Oumasai) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now