Testifying At His Trial

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" The people call Kokichi Ouma to the stand."

The doors opened and I knew it was my time. I slowly stood up and walked into the courtroom with my crutches. He stared at me the entire time and just smiled creepily. It made me wanna throw up. But no Kokichi, you have to be strong. I finally made my way up to the stand and sat down.

" Will you please state your name and occupation for the record?"

" Kokichi Ouma. I'm an international pop star."

" So it's safe to say that as a celebrity you're very wealthy?"

" Yes."

" Is your mansion protected security at all times?"

" Yes."

" Is the man who kidnapped you in this courtroom?"

" Yes."

" Can you point him out?"

" He's right there."

" Let the record show that he's pointing at the defendant, Shuuichi Saihara."

" Did you know the defendant prior to being kidnapped?"

" I had never seen him a day in my life."

" Will you please tell us how you first met?"

" It was the middle of the night and I heard someone walking around my house, scared I went to go check and that's when I came face to face with him."

" Can you please tell us what you experienced when you were kidnapped?"

" When I first got there I was forced to sleep on the cold ground chained to the wall. He would make me go to the bathroom in a bucket. After awhile I was given my own room."

" What did this room look like?"

" It was windowless and decorated to look like a little girl's room."

" Please continue."

" I was never allowed outside of my room. I had no way to tell what time or day it was. If I was bad I would be punished."

" What were these punishments you received?"

" It deepened. It would range from being to starved for days to being violently raped."

" How many times would you say that you were raped?"

" If I had to guess, probably over 40 times."

" Did you ever once consent?"

" He would force me to say yes."

" But you didn't want it?"

" No, I never wanted it. I would scream and cry and beg for him to stop, that was if he didn't gag me or tape my mouth shut. But the more I begged the more forceful he was. I hated it, I hated all of it."

" I'm so sorry that you went through all of that."

" I see that you're wearing a neck brace. Could please say how you obtained that injury."

" By jumping out a window to escape."

" Did you get anymore injures?"

" I was stabbed over 30 times trying to escape from him, I had a concussion, a fractured skull, several broken ribs, I have to walk on crutches until my leg heals and I was in a coma for over two months."

" Thank you. No further questions. You may step down."

I slowly got up and walked towards the doors. I could stay but I don't wanna, I don't want him to look at me any longer.

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