Go Away!

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" Ahh... This is so relaxing... Junko was right. I should've taken a break a looooooooooong time ago."

I was in my pool relaxing on top of a floatie drinking a margarita trying my hardest to forget the whole cum on top of my counter fiasco, but unfortunately I just couldn't so I decided I would drink until I forgot.

" This truly is the life..."

" Isn't it Kokichi...?"

" Huh?"

I pushed up my sunglasses to see him standing there  butt ass naked with a well...Uh boner... He was pretty big I'll give him that... No Kokichi! You can't think like that, he's your stalker remember!

" W-w-why are you here?!"

" Because I wanted to see you... Is that so wrong..."

" Yes! You're stalking me!"

" Don't think of it as stalking... Think of it more as... Making sure no other man touches you..."

" I don't need you to that. I'm not nor will I ever be yours."

" Don't be that way my love... We are together, you just don't realize it yet... Just know that I have ways of making you crawl towards me..."

" What are you implying?"

" Nothing baby... Just I have a few things on you that I'm sure you would hate if they ever got out..."

" Excuse me? Are you blackmailing me?"

" Blackmail? I would never blackmail you! I'm just letting you know that I have a lot of information on you that could possibly sink your entire career..."

" You are blackmailing me!"

" I don't intend on telling anyone...As long as you do what I say..."

He hopped in the pool walked closer to me and got as close as he possibly could to my face.

" W-what do you want from me...?"

" It's simple really... I want you... Not your money... Not your fame... Just you... Agree to be my boyfriend and I won't have to stalk you anymore. And if you don't... Well you don't really have a choice if you say no I'll probably just kidnap and kill you, because if I can't have you no one can."

He grabbed both of my hands.

" Now what do you say?"

" D-do I have time to think about it?"

" Of course you do! I wouldn't want to rush you my sweet prince... Just come up with your answer eventually or I'll start to get impatient."

I've never really worked well under pressure and now this guy is threatening to kill me if I don't agree to be his boyfriend. I mean what choice do I really have. I don't particularly wanna die, but I also don't wanna be his boyfriend. What do I do? Maybe I really should tell Junko.

" By the way... Don't bother telling the police... Because if you do... Something might happen to your friend Nagito...He's cute... Wouldn't it be such a shame if something unfortunate happen to him...?"

" Well! I'll be leaving you then."

He kissed me on the forehead.

" I'll come back later to check on you my darling."

He then got out the pool, hopped a fence and then disappeared. Now he's threatening my friends? This is going to end. But what can I do? I'm basically trapped.

My Favorite Stalker (Oumasai) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now