Preparing To Testify

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After being in the hospital for 7 more weeks I was able to leave the hospital in crutches, a foot case, a back brace, a neck brace and a cast so at least I'll get sympathy points from the jury when they see me.

" I appreciate you doing this Ouma-Kun, I'm sure this is hard for you."

" I'll do anything to see that bastard pay for fucking up my cute face."

" Now, the defense is going to try to poke little holes in your story."

" What do you mean holes?"

" Well... His lawyer is trying to go for the insanity defense... Basically trying to say that he's not responsible for his actions because he was having a psychotic episode. Thus he wouldn't be fit to stand trial."

" That's complete horseshit! Insane my ass! He raped and beat me multiple times! He knew what he was doing! He told me that he was a serial killer! So what they're just gonna lock him up in an asylum for what 20 years and then just let him leave?! He needs to rot in prison for the rest of his life, fuck that he deserves the death penalty!"

I've never wished death upon anyone. But he's an exception, I genuinely wish the worst on him. Part of me does say he's batshit, you've gotta be to just kidnap somebody. But the other half of me says that he knew what the fuck he was doing, why else would he have made every door in that house only lock from the outside.

" This is complete and utter bullshit."

" I know it is, believe me I know, but it's not set in stone yet, he hasn't seen the psychiatrist yet. But if you ask me I think he is fit to stand trial. I believe he knew good and well what he was doing to you."

" Now... Let's go over your testimony one more time. Ok?"

" If things get hard for you while you're up there I just want you to look at me, look at me the whole time."

" Are you ready?"

" Yeah, I guess."

" Ahem. Will you please tell the jury how you first met the defendant."

I took a deep breath before starting to speak.

" He broke into my house via window and that's when we first met..."

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