Letting Him Out The House

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After we got "married" he moved me into his room, but I told him to take out all the creepy ass posters of me first, he didn't want to at first but eventually he gave in and took them all down. We sleep handcuffed together, apparently he trusted me but not enough to leave me in an unlocked room. And if I have to go to the bathroom we go together. Whenever he leaves, he handcuffs me to a table that is directly in front of the front door, he was doing it to taunt me. Today he said he wants to take me out the house to where I have no idea. Before leaving he made me put on a black hoodie that hid my hair and put on sunglasses.

" Ground rules. If you take off your disguise without permission I'll shoot you in the head where you stand. If you run away from me I'll shoot you in the head where you stand. If you tell anyone that you're being held hostage I'll shoot you in the head where you stand. If you use sign language I'll shoot you in the head where you stand. If you use morse code by blinking or tapping I'll shoot you in the head where you stand. And if you even allude to the fact that you're being held hostage, what will happen?"

" You'll shoot me in the head where I stand..."

" Good boy... I'm glad you understand me."

He pulled me by my arm outside the house. I don't even know how long it's been since I've set foot outside, the sun kinda hurts. Still pulling me he kinda just looked around before pushing me into the backseat of his car. Then he got in the front.

" Don't even think of trying to open it. There's a child lock on every door."

Dammit! I should've known too. He has everything planned out. I don't know where he was taking me but all I could focus on were billboards of my face on it and missing across them, so people were looking for me. I bet Junko was up to this, knowing her I know she's worried sick about me. We finally stopped. And I think we're at the mall? Now why and the hell would he take me here? He opened my door and grabbed my hand he had a really tight grip.

" Keep your head down and don't make eye contact."

We were walking through the parking lot when something stopped him in his tracks.

" Oh shit..."

He seemed to be panicking slightly I looked up to see what scared him.

" J-junko..."

She was standing there handing out my missing posters when I seemed to catch her eye she immediately ran over to me and without saying anything she pulled my hoodie off revealing my hair then she hugged me tightly.

" KOKICHI!! You're ok!! I missed you so much! Do you have any idea how long you've been missing for?!?! 5 months 4 weeks 3 days 8 hours 24 minutes and 32 seconds. And I never stopped looking for you once."

I had no idea I was missing for that long. I thought I was only gone for about a month. I guess time goes by faster when you're trapped in a room with no windows.

"Where were you?!"

I need to somehow tell her that I've been kidnapped but I don't know how to without him knowing. He's gonna shoot me in the head.

" I-I've been with my... H-husband..."

" Husband...? Wait wait wait wait wait wait... You had a boyfriend? You had a wedding? And I wasn't invited?!"

" Kokichi and I have been on our honeymoon and he didn't want to interrupt it by bringing his phone."

She let go of me and looked him up and down.

" And who the hell are you...?"

" Shuuichi. His husband."

" Mmhm... And why am I now just hearing about you....?"

" Kokichi wanted to keep our relationship a secret from the public eye. You see I have no particular interest in becoming a celebrity just because I'm with him. So we dated in secret and got married in secret..."

" Uh-huh..."

I could tell she's getting suspicious and I think I might know a way of telling her that I've been kidnapped without him knowing. I hope it works.

" How have you been doing Junko? Everything's been great on my end! Let's get together sometime. Please tell Nagito that I miss him. My marriage to Shuuichi is great. Everyday feels like the first day we fell in love."

She seemed to pick up on it.

" Completely understand why you'd marry a cutie like him. Optimistic about your future. Plan on having kids? Such nice weather we're having isn't it?"

" YES. Yes it is."

He seemed to be getting angry.

" Well... Kokichi and I should be getting home. Shouldn't we my little angel?"

" But you two just got here."

" Yes but I think I left the dog outside and I need to bring him back in the house. So let's go home now..."

He pulled me back to the car and slammed the furiously.

" Why did you speak?"

" Don't you think she would've been more suspicious if I didn't talk?"

" Just what the hell was the whole conversation?"

" What do you mean?"

" Who talks about the weather? You weren't trying to tell her anything were you?"

" No daddy... Junko's my best friend and we haven't talked for a while."

He seemed to go really silent as he was driving. I looked out the window smiling cuz through our conversation I told Junko to call the cops. That might've just saved me.

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