Trying to know you?

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I saw here walking towards me and she looks sorry because she was already late. She was gasping as she came to where I am. She was wearing the perfect pale blue polo that matches my pale blue polo also. Today we decided to watch a movie her way. I mean the movie she chose. Its not that she's into chick flicks but most of her taste are long and boring movies.

"I am sorry I'm late but we're just in time for the movie. It's free anyway." She explained for we were watching a certain film festival. I did not say anything as she dragged me inside the cinema. It's a French movie. It was tolerable and has an interesting story as I understand. Thanks to the subtitles.

I decided to bring here to the restaurant where I know we can meet some familiar faces. I ordered the usual food that I order when I was still with Lily. I did not bother to ask round eye what she would like to eat. I set down the tray in front of her and she just stared at the food. I thought she would not eat but she did. I notice that she ate a little.

"It's the best food in here. We usually order this here." I said as I noticed that she was already done eating. She smiled and just pulled her book out of her bag. If it's not a notebook, it's her book that blocks me from her attention.

"Hey, come on round-eye?!" I yelped and she closed her book abruptly as she looked at me intently.

"I know it's the best food in here. I am not complaining. In fact in every place that we eat it always is the best food," she said and attempted to open her book again but I stopped her.

"You are trying to say something beneath those words you just said" I snapped and she smirked at me.

"Oh, I really don't have anything beneath those words, Raymond. Why do you say so?" she crossed her arms and before I could answer I saw a bunch of familiar faces approaching. It's me and Lily's common friends.

"This is Ana, Julius and Gregg! Guys, meet Jody my girlfriend!" I said the last three words with a lot of confidence. I felt Jody was uneasy as they gave her scrutinizing looks.

"It was great to finally see the face behind those stories" Gregg answered who seemed genuinely glad to see me with a new girl.

"I am happy to meet you, too. It was nice seeing you here again, Raymond but we need to go now. We'll see you at Lily's party next week." Ana said and they pulled away from our table.

As they left the place round-eye went back to her book and I had enough of her reading books. I snatched the book from her and she looked at me angrily. I smiled because I have never seen her angry face before.

"So this is what makes you furious, round-eye, eh?" I teased and she just crossed her arms again and looked at me intently again.

"Can we go now? I have work tomorrow and beside you've finally got what you need here, bald head?" she raised her eyebrows at me. She's going cryptic to me again.

"Can you just spill it out? I am not a mind reader?" I snapped as we were walking to the PUV stop. We've been together for almost a month but she never let me take her home or let me know where she works. For goodness sake, she won't even tell me her full name or her Facebook account.

"Well, lucky for you I think I am." She answered as we finally got to the line of PUVs. It was a long line for it's a weekend.

"I am confused if you really would like to move on you know, bald head. For almost a month we've been to the places and restaurants where you and Lily usually hang-out or where your common friends hang out. You're like parading me like I'm some kind of goods when I am not really some goods you can be proud of. "She finally spilled out what's inside her. Round-eye is really good with words and there's a lot of truth in her words really.

"I am trying to familiarize until I get used to this. You know until I get numb." I just said as we moved to the line. She let out a deep sigh.

"Well, that makes sense. But poor you, you will be stuck with a round-eyed, boring girlfriend for a long time I think. If this is the way you would like to move on." She said and waiting for any response from me.

"I chose this way round-eye. Remember you are helping out a poor soul." I winked at her and she just sneered at me. I watched as she finally got inside the van.

I found myself walking back at the parking lot and contemplating on what round-eye just said. It's been a month but I kept on dragging her around like a rag doll to the places where Lily and I used to hang out.

As I got inside my car, I realized I'm doing the pathetic way of moving on and I was unaware that I have been ignoring the mere importance of moving on. I was like dragging round-eye around to send out a message to Lily that I can replace her just like that. Like what she did when she got Matt. I remembered some stories I heard from our common friends and Lily seems to be doing great with Matt. In fact, the bitter truth is she is actually happy moving on. She is genuinely happy as my friends say. As for me I am doing the fake way of moving on. My phone rang for a text message:

I'll see you next week for my birthday. Take care.

It was a text from Lily and I forgot to remind round-eye about the birthday party. I don't think she is a party-goer. Mostly she dons her books or her notebook and seems like the shirt and jeans kind of girl. But on some days when we met after her working hours, she carries dress up clothes pretty well. I decided to text her about it and also to know if she reaches home early. I started my car and drove home. Until I reached home I got no reply from round-eye. I was cursing silently when I bumped into my young brother Ken.

"Mom! Raymond is saying some bad words!" he yelled. A ten year old boy can be really that annoying. Then there was my mother coming out from the kitchen to rescue Ken from my bad words.

"I told you not to say such things in front of your brother." Mom said as she motioned for my brother to finish his homework. I followed Mom to the kitchen as she was preparing for dinner. I know Mom was waiting for me to tell my story of my whereabouts these passed few days. I've been mum about my activities to her.

"So care to spill it out? Lily's birthday is next week and I heard you had a new girlfriend?" My mom finally asked and I raised my eyebrow at her and she just ruffled my hair as she sat in front of me.

"You know what they say if it does not work with the other person it's because someone will come to make it worth it." Mom said smiling at me. If she only knew about my not so ordinary relationship with round-eye it would make her crazy.

"How would you know? I mean I am trying to work it out but nothing happened?" I said confused.

"You would know. This...would know." She said as she laid her hand on my chest. My Mom is cryptic sometimes but she is the best. With three boys as her son and my serious father in tow; she epitomizes the grace under pressure.

"I've had enough of cryptic words today, Mom! Round-eye has plenty of that!" I said exasperated and stood up as I decided not to eat dinner anymore. I looked at my cell phone but still no text from round-eye.

"Is round-eye your new girl? When are we going to meet her? Maybe this Sunday? Your brother is coming over with Jenny and the twins!" She asked excited.

"I don't know." I just said as I went up my room while dialing round-eyes number. After two attempts there is still no answer. I glanced up at the alarm clock on my bedside table and its just 8:00 pm. She sleeps that early?!

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