Who am I to her?

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Here she goes again confounding me. After that day we spent she was not texting me or anything. But then again, I remembered that she was not really the texting type. She only texts me when I asked her something. I was just staying at home over the weekend and I don't know what else to do as summer is already near. Kenneth was unusually busy. I often find him talking with someone over the phone. I teased him of having a girlfriend and he was just smirking at me. He seemed really animated when talking with that someone over the phone. One day, when he finally hangs up on the phone he ran up to me and bothered me with his nonsense queries.

"Why does Jody never get to visit here again? Did you break up with her? Is she too busy? Or maybe she is mad at me? Is she?!" Kenneth yelped as he tugged me on my shirt and to think I was reading something. I have been reading the same sentences thrice because of his disturbance.

"Why do you keep asking about her suddenly? And for goodness sake, Ken, stop bothering me!" I chided and he gave me a sad face. I closed my book and make him turn to face me.

"She is just busy with work. We are still together. In a relationship you just give some space to each other once in a while, you know." I explained hoping that he would not have any follow up questions.

He nodded his head and as I was about to be relieve that he was going to leave me alone, he turned to face me again.

"You know, Kuya! I can tell that Jody is a way lot different from any other girl. She is definitely not your type but my type. But I can tell that you care for her." He said as he gave me a pat on the shoulder like I was doing a great job of finally meeting the right girl. I just smirked at him and as he turned to leave me alone and reached the door to my room, he glanced back at me.

"It was Jody I was talking to over the phone. In case you want to know!" he exclaimed and gave me a naughty wink.

"What!!!!" I shouted as he slammed the door of my room. As I reach my phone to asked Jody about it, I got a text invite from our friends about an early summer getaway. I said yes to them already. Sent a text to Jody but a usual I did not receive any reply so I decided to call her.

"Hello." She answered.

"Are you good next weekend? It is our first summer getaway together?"

"Even if I'm not good by that time, I still have to be drag into this."

"Well, that's right. I'll just pick you up then after work?'

"I'll be at the usual place. I'm getting ready to sleep" and she hang up on me just like that. She was really smart. I could never trick her into telling me where she works or where she lives.

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