Meet Round Eye

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As round-eye got inside the car, I noticed that she seemed different. She seemed prepared about this. She wore a pale blue blouse with a lace collar with her jeans. Her hair was pulled back in a half-pony.

"You seemed prepared for this, eh?" I teased and she smiled.

"It's hard to be compared to her." She just said and I got no answer to that. Finally we reached our house and I noticed Ken was looking at her intently.

"Hey, sneaky head! It's rude to stare at people!" I told Ken as I tried to move him out of the way but he was stuck there staring at round-eye. I was taken aback when Ken took Jody's hand and led her inside. Before I knew it, everyone's attention was at Jody's and I did seem invisible. She got Ken's attention mostly.

"She is pretty and intelligent. Ken seems to be fond of her." Mom commented as I was helping her clean up the dining table. Dad seemed happy with me getting a new girl.

"I like her you, know. She's nice with words." Dad also commented.

"I think this would be the one you should marry. Right, Dad?" Ricky added and winked at me. Family members sometimes say the most absurd things.

"It's way too early to say that, you know. I think you said the same exact words with Lily" I said and Ricky laughed.

"Come to think of it I really didn't say that with Lily. I think Jenny has a good vibration with Jody. Right, honey?" Ricky said as he turned to his wife and pecked her on the cheek.

"Oh, so Jenny is a fortuneteller now?" I laughed and Jenny raised her eyebrow at me.

"Oh, I'm good with feelings and vibrations but it would still be up to you, Raymond." Jenny answered and this time she winked at me.

I found Jody lost in a deep conversation with Ken at the garden swing. Then suddenly, Jody was giggling at Ken's story and after that Ken gave her a hug. I decided to interrupt then.

"So you're stealing my girl now, sneaky head?" I snapped as I sat between them but Ken just gave me a frown and went inside the house. We were left at the swing and as I looked at round-eye she was staring at me the whole time, I think.

"What? What did that sneaky head tell you?" I said because I felt uneasy when she stares at me like that. I felt guilty when there's nothing to be guilty about in the first place.

"I like your family. It is so perfect. Everything seems to be in the right place." She smiled as she looked straight at the garden.

"They like you also but I don't want to give them that impression." I said as she leaned back at the swing and she moved it.

"You know, instead of you wasting your time with me. Why don't you just find a real girlfriend? Someone they can really hold an impression for real and hopefully for a long time." She suggested as she looked at me. Round-eye is good with words that would take me by surprise. I looked away because she has a point with that.

"I was laughing when Ken told me you got a call from Lily the other night. I told him that's not a big deal but he still gave me a hug in case I was hurt and because you lied to me." She related and I felt guilty now. Thanks to Ken but then again I should not be feeling this.

"She called me to invite me for her birthday. She even mentioned you." I reasoned out but she was giving me a confused look and jokingly slaps me on my shoulder.

"Did I say I need an explanation from you? But seriously, bald head you need to weigh things here. As I can see pretty Lily is getting along with her new guy and you should be. You know what I mean, don't you?" She asked nudging my arm and I nod my head in agreement.

We were quiet for awhile as I cannot find the words to say something about our not so ordinary relationship. Then suddenly, Ken came back in the picture carrying some of his books. He sat between me and Jody.

"Look, Jody. Here are my books. Do you think all of them are interesting to you?" Ken asked looking at her round eye intently. She was smiling at me as I am giving Ken an unbelievable look.

"Hey, what's up with you sneaky head? As far as I know you don't like books!" I exclaimed and he just sneered at me. Jody then takes a look at Ken's books and gave him some pointers. Ken then finally ran back to his room. I was still giving round-eye a confused look.

"You seem to have cast a spell on Ken. What did you two talk about?" I said really curious.

"Nothing important. I just told him those girls like guys who are smart and to do that he needs to read books. Then he said, he liked me. Your brother is cute and smart. Besides I know I have a strong attraction to kids if not with boys." Round eye was really fond with Ken and so is my brother.

The time came when I need to take round-eye home. The whole family seemed so attached already. We had a hard time with Ken who doesn't want to let go of Jody's arm when we were going to my car. I dropped her off at the place where I picked her up.

"I'm good here. Just think about what I said, bald head. You don't want to be next to me like this." She said as if convincing me. It was as if she is breaking up with me. I looked away because I was getting uneasy with her stares and she seemed to be waiting for an answer really.

"What do you want me to do? I have hold on to the world with her in it. It's so hard." I whispered and she then moved to face me.

Getting off the car seemed to be her last option. I then drove the car to the side of the road and I decided to talk about it. I told round eye how Lily came together and ended up this way. She finally let out a deep sigh as I finished my story.

"Seems fair why you are this way but I don't think I could blame Lily. The problem is it is hard to hold on when the one has finally let go. It is painful you know. When the other is working out and the other is doing nothing." She said and she seemed to be a different person when she says that.

"Why are you saying these words? Have you been in the same situation before?" I asked as we looked at each other. She gave me a smile.

"You don't need to be in the same situation to know that. They say love should be a working out process. The problem with you guys, you tend to be complacent when you finally get the girl. And when a girl finally turns cold, you came running after them to get the love warm again. What I mean is every moment should count. Every moment you're near each other is the moment you should make each other feel love." She said looking at me and smiling trying to convince me.

"That is really a bull's eye. Well, you know what they say about regrets in the end. Honestly, I would want to win her back but I can't now because she finally has Matt." I said with a frown.

"Tell me, have you said that to her? That you would like to win her back?" she asked and I shook my head.

"Don't you think that's too late, now?" I asked wound up.

"You know it's never too late. Maybe you're just like her, trying to find something from another person when all you really wanted still is to be with each other. Just swallow you huge pride and tell her. You should get an answer and just be prepared for it. At least you know if you should still be holding on or moving on already?" She said as she looked at her watch.

It's already late and we've been talking for almost an hour. I haven't told any of my close friends about my pain. Of all people, I have spilled it out to a complete stranger. All of sudden, I burst out laughing about the absurdity of my situation. Round-eye turned to me puzzled.

"Sorry! I just realized what a silly situation I have right now. To be talking to a complete stranger about my love pains. Thank you anyway, for really helping out a poor soul in me." I said as I found my hand holding her hand resting on the car's seat. She turned to me confounded with my gesture and she got her hand back.

"I seemed to be amazing on helping out poor souls like you. So, I need to go then. You need to go to that party without me." She said and I was taken aback by her last sentence. I pulled her back inside the car as she was about to get out of the car.

"Hey, you did not just say that! You are coming with me at the party!" I yelped nervously. Round-eye went back to her seat annoyed.

"I thought we already had a clear conversation. You don't need me at the party. Besides I need to find someone who can really be there for me. You're blocking my way to that someone!' she cried out and I let out a snort.

"What?! You are actually finding someone, when all you do is buried yourself into books? You know what you say to Ken about being smart so they can like someone is totally a loser move!" I grunted and she raised her eyebrow at me.

"Whatever, I need to go. I'll be at the party if that's what you want but we need to end this soon." She said as she managed to get off the car. I get off also and followed her to the jeepney stop. We were quiet as we were waiting for the next jeepney to arrive. I found myself looking at round-eye. She seemed to be mysterious now. She is not that striking of a beauty but there was something that makes her different for now, I don't know that and I don't have time to know anyway. She is smart and seems to be a good listener. I found myself holding her hand again.

"This is still a familiar place and someone might see us and they might think we're having a cold war." I explained as I held her soft and warm hand. She was just straining her neck to see the next jeep.

"You know I could give you a ride home." I snapped as she was still quiet and she just shook her head.

"I don't want you to get attached to me. Ok?" she gave me a wink and I felt warm suddenly and I found myself squeezing her hand.

She let go of my hand as she quickly got inside the jeep and again didn't even bother to look back at me.

I went home feeling annoyed and irritated by a feeling I cannot seem to explain. Ken was still ranting about how wonderful Jody was. I ignored him as I finally went to bed with the last thought in my mind: Round eye.

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