I Found You...

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I knew she already saw me outside their building the minute she went out the elevator and look outside. I missed her wide-eyed reaction. I saw her trying to escape and I know no matter where she exits she would be waiting at the jeepney stop. She didn't know that I have planned this carefully and meticulously. As she saw me at the jeepney stop, she was frozen to where she was and I walked up to her.

"What is it that you want? I also told you not to text me." She exclaimed irritated. She felt defeated already for she knew I had cornered her. I smiled and walk closer to her. She was about to step backwards but I grabbed her on the waist and pulled her closer. She gave me her signature wide-eyed stare. God, how I missed her so much.

"I've miss you, round eye. You should know that I will find you whatever it takes." I said and winked at her.

She break lose from me and I know she is headed to the underpass. I ran after her and quickly blocked her way and she is still glaring at me. I was spreading my arms and blocking her way. She looked helpless and her eyes were looking at me hopelessly.

"You really think, I didn't hear you that night, Jody. I heard you very clearly. I heard you saying it three times."

"I don't care if you did or not? It doesn't matter. Can you just please get out of my way!' she cried helplessly and I put down my hands on the side.

"If I said I love you would you believe me? Why would you push me away when you love me?" I saw her face blushing and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't think I can. I don't think you do love me. I am not the one you want. I am so unlike the girls you have. You are just sad and I happen to be the girl at that time that is so conveniently available to be with you." She really has a lot of insecurities. She quickly walked pass me and went down the underpass. I ran after her and I saw her turning right to the escalator to the other side of the underpass. I waited at the middle of the now empty underpass. I waited for her to come back to where I was. She walked towards me and she seemed to be having no choice but to face me.

"Alright! You seemed to have planned all of these carefully. We can talk now!" She said angrily at my face and I laughed. She slapped me hard on my shoulder and I yelped in pain.

"Alright! I'd been stalking you for a long time. What can I do?! You're ignoring my text and not answering my call. It as if we didn't share a kiss on that bed that night!" I cried and she screamed as she heard my last sentence. People were already staring at us.

She suddenly dragged me outside the underpass. We were right in the middle of the bustle of the people rushing home.

She let out a deep sigh and dragged me at the park where there were a few people. She motioned me to sit on one of the bench there.

"Do I really have to resort on stalking ways just for you to talk to me, Jody? You don't know that I'd been going mad since we had that fake break up?" I said looking at her and she just looked at me blankly.

"I can't make you go mad. That's impossible. And for God's sake you even talk to my friend about me? I thought we had made everything clear on that day we had that fake broke up." She said exasperated.

"That's exactly the point, round eye. You aren't the one who should make me feel this way but every time I try to ignore the thought of you, it just kept on coming back. It felt so heavy in my chest!" I said as I held her hand on the bench. She let out a deep sigh again. We were quiet for some time.

"So, what now?" she broke the silence and turned to face me.

"I am not feeling this because of Lily or anyone. But I think everyone's right when they told me that you are different. And on the night I heard you said those words and cried because I am another heartbreak for you, I know you are really somebody. You saved me..." I gasped and she smiled at me as she squeezed my hand. She motioned me to stand up and we walked along the park.

The night finally cast its shadow at the city. We were walking at a familiar pathway and before I knew it we were at the jeepney stop where I usually drop her off. I squeezed her hand hard and I can't let her go again. I have her now.

"My full name is Jody Claire Mendez. You can check my Facebook by that name. I know that you'd been following me and I know that you already knew where I live. I'm too sensitive not to be aware of that." She said looking at me as she held my face and I held her hand as I stared at her. I leaned closer to her face.

"I love you...The frustrations and the madness that you brought me also brings me happiness. I love you...just by being next to you and knowing that you'll always be there. I love you...because you saved me..." I sighed and she gave me a warm smile and her eyes were gleaming as the street light came on to where we were standing.
I held her face and drew it closer to me. I kissed her and I felt my heart delighted by the warmth and blissful feeling she gave me as she kissed me back. She inched away as I was still kissing her. I smiled as I kissed her on the forehead.

"I have to go home now." She smiled looking at me contented and I nodded my head.

"I will see you again, round eye. You don't want me stalking you again." I teased her and gave her a wink. She giggled and kissed me on my cheek. I watched her get on the jeepney.

This time seeing her leaving is not because she is running away from me. I know my heart will see her again. I never felt so secure.

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