Ququmber Friends

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It was already 7 in the morning and I can't sleep, normally, once I arrived home and lay down on my bed, I immediately thought to feel asleep, but today is different, why? Because I can't take Lee out of my head, it's like he is running inside my mind, whenever I closed my eyes, his face appeared like a projector in my imagination, I don't know why, but it just happened that way.

I decided to stand up from my bed and cooked instant noodles, I need something to eat, whenever I am stressed and can't get over with something, I usually prepare and eat noodles.

While waiting for the water to boil, I sat down and opened my Facebook account, I don't know what happens to me but I just found myself browsing on Lee's profile. I was about to close my application when I saw him posted something, it was our picture when we received our gift.

" Ending my 2020 with my Benny Boii 2.0 in my side" this was his caption.

I don't know what to feel, I just found myself smiling like stupid in front of my phone.

He is into me.

I put down my phone and continued cooking the noodles.

After cooking and putting the noodles on my plate, I sat down and eat, I was in the middle of eating when my phone vibrated. I took it and saw Giner sent a message, without hesitation, I opened the message.

"Yugin Astocia is his name on Facebook"

Why do I care?

"Who?" I replied, acting like I don't have an idea on what she was pointing.

"Lee, that's his name" Giner replied

"And, what do you want me to do and why his real name is far from what you call him?"

"Nothing, I just saw his post, he mentions Benny boii 2.0 and as far as I could remember, Lee is a fan of Korean drama and actors that is why he chose Lee as his pseudo name in the office,"

" O-okay so what's with the 2.0?" I asked

" Ow, you are his second crush, Rommel is his first crush, he was his Version 1 and you are his 2.0, so basically, you are just a second option"

I don't know what happened to me but I felt irritated when I read her message, so I am just an option? Does he love Rommel?

"Hey don't be mad, Lee, choose you, he likes you very much"

"How do you say so?"

"Well, if he loves Rommel, he should have posted a picture of him with Rommel, or even made Rommel as his wallpaper, earlier he showed his phone and I saw your picture on it, you were his wallpaper"

I felt my heart twitched.


"Yes, I think he is into you, why you don't give him a chance, or give it a try as well"

I don't know what to do so I decided to cut our conversation. "I'll sleep now" I replied and turned my data off.

It's been 2 hours since I fooled my self, I decided to sleep, but I really can't. This is so frustrating.

I rolled in my bed and covered my face with my pillow and shouted. I look stupid acting like an annoyed man inside my room.

I stood up and went to the comfort room, I glanced on my reflection in the mirror and saw my red eyes, I have small eyes, just like Korean and Chinese, but right now, my eyes are numb, I can see black surrounding it as well.

"Sleep comes and joins me, please," I whispered.

I went back to my bed and opened my phone. I started playing music, for me to concentrate on sleeping.

I saw a guy running towards me.

"Oppa," He shouted

I squint my eyes and saw Lee, waving while running going to my direction. I immediately smiled and waved back.

As he came closer, my heart started beating faster.

Two more steps and his in front of me, as he reached me, he smiled and walked past me.

I narrowed my brows and followed where he was going.

He stands at my back and tapped my shoulder. "Thank you, Ali" He whispered.

I was about to talk when he runs and hugged Rommel who was waiting for him at the end of the road.

What? I'm getting confused, why did he thank me? That's for?

Without hesitation, I followed them. I was running, my sweat is flowing non-stop, they are just a few steps away from me but why I can't catch their pace.

I saw how happy Lee was while running holding Rommel's hand. That hand that should be holding mine not other guys.

A light suddenly flashed on my eyes. I covered my face with my hand, after a few seconds, I opened my eyes and saw a dark background. Lee was sitting at the end of the bench. I sat next to him and saw him crying while holding a photo.

"This is our first picture," He said

He punched his chest hard, I tried to hold his hands but it just went through him.

" I gave you everything, Love, Care, I even chose you more than my friends but in the end, you choose to leave and betrayed me," He said and throw the photo on the floor.

I walked near the photo and saw Rommel and Lee on it. Lee was smiling, his smile is so genuine. It's very pure and innocent.

"I chose you because I thought you love me, Ali was waiting there for me, but I decided not to give him hope, I love him that is why I let go of his hands and held yours, but in the end, you decided to let go of mine. Rommel, you are selfish, I thought you are the one who will give back the smile on my face, you will be proud and showered me with joy and love but in the end, the smile you gave me become pain and sadness, my colourful life turns black because of you. How am I going to bring it back." Lee cried out loud.

I sat in front of him and held his head, I used my thumb to wipe his tears, he stared at me and smiled.

"I should have given you another chance, right?" He said.

"But it's too late, I'm sorry Ali," He added.

I was about to answer when the surroundings began to crumble.

I opened my eyes and touched my face, I am just dreaming, but why am I crying?

Lee was hurt, I think that dream is a sign, it is a sign for me to give Lee a chance, I know this is wrong because I am straight, but, I will never know until I try it right?

I won't let Lee cry, in my dreams or even in front of me. I'll make him happy.

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