Drunk Talk

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"I never thought that he will do that to me," I heard Lee shouted

I am already standing in the door

"I am already here, beside the door," I texted Giner.

I saw her and gave me a stop sign.

" Let him speak, listen to what he says," She replied.

"Why? he should say everything in front of me,"

"Because when a person is drunk he can say everything, A drunk mind speaks a sober heart" She replied.

I stayed on the couch outside while listening to Lee.

"Ali was one of the best things that happened to me this year, I am happy when I knew him when I had a conversation with him," Lee said wiping his tears.

The happiness he had turned into tears.

"I told you to secure your heart, right?" Athena said while rubbing Lee's back.

"I know but--"

"You never learned lessons, how many times did I warn you, Lee? From our previous work, I told you not to get attached to anyone instantly because you don't know what might happen, what they might bring you, Look you loved Ali and what he brought you? He brought you pain and sadness, "Helen said.

" I know, it's just I thought he was the one for me, He was like my parachute, but he left me hanging on a free fall, he doesn't know how hurt I was on that fall, "

" That's bullshit, how many times do I need to see you cry for a wrong person? You are a good person Lee, you deserve someone better, someone, who will see the beauty behind those smiles, who will see the sadness behind those happy eyes and most of all, who will see your worth behind your back," Pat shouted.

" Pat is right, are you overacting? If it's Ali's mistake that he hurt your feelings, do you think you are wrong too? Because you fell in love instantly without knowing the guy's background, you don't know him very well, his family, what he likes and don't, right? " RJ said.

Everyone inside the bar is already staring at them.

I can't take the scenery, I was about to walk inside when I accidentally bumped Rommel, I eyed him. He smiled at me and walked inside.

" Hey, Lee, why are you crying? "He immediately runs next to Lee and wiped his tears.

" Because he was stupid, no, let me rephrase that, HE IS STUPID, " Pat shouted.

" Hey, stop that, " Rommel said.

What the hell is he doing? He is acting as a superhero now? Is he stealing the show? Stealing Lee who already belongs to me?

I took a deep breath and went inside, I saw everyone stared at me, I can see how Pat and Helen is killing me alive by just staring at me.

"Shit, what is he doing here? I don't want him to see me looking like this," Lee whispered to Athena.

"I don't know," Athena said.

"I'll just smoke," Lee excused and walked out, he glanced at me and smiled.

The smile he showed me is very different from what he is always showing me, the smile he showed me awhile ago is very sad, his aura is dark. He is not the Lee that I met not long time ago, he changed instantly and I am the reason behind it.

"What are you doing here?" Pat asked.

" I invited him," Giner said.

I sat and ordered buckets of beers.

"I think, I need to clear everything, the misunderstanding Lee and I had," I answered.

"Did you just saw what's happening to Lee right now? He is crying as if someone died, oh, basically something died, His HEART DIED because you YOU!" Pat said.

"That's why I'm here, I'll clear my conscience and my name,"

"No need for that Bro, I'll talk to Lee," Rommel said.

"Can you just stay away with this? With us?" I shouted.

Giner held my hands. A sign to calm me.

"With us?" Lee said, "As far as I can remember, there's no US, there will never be," He said and sat down.

I can see how he hide his emotions, right now he is emotionless. His sharp eye is killing me.

The waiter came carrying the buckets of beers.

"Who ordered all of these," Lee asked.

"I did," I answered.

"Are you celebrating something? Ow, yes, I just remembered, you should celebrate what you have done to me, right?" He said and faked his laugh.

I can feel how sad he is annoyed and sad through that fake laugher.

"Lee let him explain," Giner interrupted.

"If coach Giner is not here, I already went home, but I want to have a drink with her that's why I preferred to stay," Lee said and sat down on his chair next to Rommel.

My hand is getting itchy, I like to punch someone directly to the face.

"Thank you," I answered.

"Don't thank me, thank coach Giner," He added.

"Lee, I'm sorry, sorry for what I said earlier, it was not my intention to say those words, I was just shocked and don't know what to say and to answer to you," I started.

"You know what, those sharp words stabbed me, I thought you'll say something," positive scripting,"just like what we usually do when we are delivering bad news to our client, but you did not, you just walked out," Lee smirked.

" But that's what matters most, telling you the truth and not sugar coating it, it's better that way right?" I returned the question to him.

" And? "

" And words cannot express how happy I am knowing someone likes me, I've been longing for love for so long and I was shocked when you are the first person who confessed his feelings towards me, if you are on my shoe, you'll feel the same right?"

" Feel what? The eagerness to declined someone's love? "

" No, the feeling of being ashamed on what to answer, I was dumbfounded when you confessed, I got confused on my self, Now I am asking myself, I like someone from the other team, but right now, I don't know what to feel because you came, you unexpectedly came into my life and showered me with your love, " I explained.

My eyrs are getting blurry, Seconds now and I can feel that I am about to cry. I am hurting seeing Lee crying, seeing him sad makes me sad too.

Tonight I will make sure that we will be able to fix the problems we had, that's what I thought, but everything was ruined. And I'm so stupid that I wasn't able to save Lee, save myself and save the word the US. I know I can never make him mine. I can never make him smile again.

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