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(Sasuke's P.O.V)

God this is disgusting. I thought as I continued to kiss Sakura's neck. I'm so sorry (Y/n) and if you hate me after this I completely understand. I had to take everything I had to keep myself from puking. The only reason I'm actually doing this is to distract everyone while Orochimaru gets Itachi. But why the fuck is it taking forever to fucking do!? 

I felt something make its way across my foot and knew it was one of the snakes. "Finally, I was getting fucking tired of this shit." I said as I pulled away from Sakura. "What are you talking about? Do you wanna take this to the room?" I scoffed. "Fuck no, you taste like fucking onions and you smell like shit, literally. Did you fucking take a bath in it? God." Sakura had her mouth wide open and her eyes were wide.

"You couldn't have been faster?" I looked over at Orochimaru who was now standing be Karin's limp body and starting to untie (Y/n). "My bad." 

"What the fuck? What is he doing here?" Sakura questioned. "He's here to help get rid of you." 

I said as I looked down at her feet to see the snake from earlier wrapped around her leg. I smirked. "How dumb can you be to not notice the snake?" I said just as it bites down onto her calf. She let out a scream as she falls to the floor and Itachi came walking into the room slowly as he held onto the wall. "The fuck happened to you?" I questioned and he only glared at me.

"No..." Sakura started talking again. "You... won't... get... away..." Then she fell to the ground, completely unconscious. "I guess that's the end of her." I said and made my way to (Y/n). "Hey I'm extremely sorry I had to do that-" I was slightly cut off by a hug. "You ever do that again I will rip your fucking head off." She said as she sobbed into my neck. "I promise I'll never do that again." I put an arm under her legs and another behind her. I picked her up and faced the other two. "Help him and let's get out of here." I told Orochimaru and we all left to the car that was waiting outside. 

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