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"Wait, how the fuck did he do that?" I asked as his hands slipped off my shoulders. "Apparently he put to much trust in her and he signed a paper for her without looking at it." I shook my head. "So, what? Are we going through what happened in college again?" I sat down on the couch. "As of right now Itachi's the only person who knows where we live." Sasuke said as he sat down next to me. "I'm sorry." 

I sighed. "It's not your fault, I just thought maybe we could have a normal life." I grabbed his hand and he took a deep breath. "I thought we could too..." He grabbed my arm and pulled me onto his lap. "Talk about bad timing." He placed a hand on my stomach. I agreed and placed mine above his. We stayed like that for a bit until we decided to go to bed. 

I already knew that Sasuke wouldn't get much sleep with the news that we received but because I was so tired from the day I had little to no trouble. There was also the thought of knowing that Sasuke was there.

*Time Skip*

It has been 3 days since we got the news and neither of us have left the apartment. However like any other day we were running out of necessities. Things like food and toilet paper. 

I let out a grown as I closed the fridge door. There was absolutely nothing to eat. "No food?" A voice said behind me. "Yeah, nothing." "I'll go to the store, you stay here and rest." I nodded and grabbed a piece of paper to write down what we needed. 

With the paper and his keys, Sasuke left to the store. Me, on the other hand, I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. "You have a nice place." A female voice said out of no where. My eyes widened and I quickly got up from the couch to see Sakura herself. "How-" She cut me off from talking. "You don't lock your windows." She grabbed a picture off the counter. "Well, didn't he get better with age." She set the picture back down. "You didn't." With that she smirked as if that comment of hers would hurt. 

"You don't look any better, I see your forehead only got bigger." Her smirk turned into a glare and she made her way towards me. "I'd be careful with what you say." I raised a brow at her. "You're threats are still lame, good to see nothings changed... just like your chest." Sakura went for a punch but I caught her fist. "Unlike you, I've changed a lot." I pushed her fist away from me making her stumble. "You'll regret that." She said as she left through the front door.

I let out a breath that I was holding in and sat back down, pulling out my phone. I dialed Sasuke's number and impatiently tapped my leg. "Come on." I said as I waited for him to pick up. "Hey-" "She knows." I cut him off. "She was here." "I'll be back soon." With that he hung up. I put my phone back in my pocket and leaned back.  

A few minutes later Sasuke came rushing through the door. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah, she didn't do anything." He let out a sigh and lifted up a bag. "I got you something to eat." I smiled at him and shook my head. "I guess my safety wasn't that important." I said as he slapped my arm lightly. "Shut up, I had to think of the little one too." 

"Okay, okay, understandable." I grabbed the bag. "But what are we going to do? She knows where we live." 

"I know this person who can help us but he's a little... out there." I furrowed my brows as I grabbed the food from the bag. "His name's Orochimaru." I made a confused face at the name because it means big snake. "You'll understand when you meet him." He placed a hand on my head as I took a bite of the food.

Part 2 Sasuke X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now