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(Sakura's P.O.V) 

"God!" I yelled as I slammed everything that wasn't on a desk, off the desk. "I am tired of her." 

"Then why didn't you kill her when you had the chance?" A voice said as a door was closed. I looked to the door to see a familiar red head. "If I killed her then Sasuke would want me dead, I need her alive to get him." I leaned on the edge of the desk and folded my arms. "Why didn't you kidnap her?" The red head said as if I was stupid. "Karin, if I did that, then there would be no fun in the game." 

"So, you'd rather have them run from you than you have (Y/n) and Sasuke come to you?" She questioned taking a seat on the chair in front of me. "I mean, if you had (Y/n) and took her to a location Sasuke doesn't know about, you could do anything you wanted to her, then Sasuke would do anything to have her safe. Meaning you could have him." She leaned back in her chair. 

"I guess that could be a plan added to what we have going now." I thought about it more but put it to the side as a new thought came up. "Just how do I find them?" I got up from my 'seat' and walked around the desk to sit in the chair. "Oh, don't worry about that." Karin got up and walked to the door. "I'll take care of that." And she left. I smirked since I didn't have to worry about finding them much.

I stood up from my seat and went to the other door in the room. I walked down the dark hall the door lead to and stopped at the end in front of another door. I unlocked it and grabbed a flashlight that was outside the door. "Look at you." I said flashing the light at the man that was chained to the wall. "Disgusting." I walked up to Itachi as he only glared at me. 

"You don't have to worry about Sasuke anymore because I'll have him soon." I smiled at the thought but it went away quickly when Itachi scoffed. "As if he'll ever came to you willingly." I slapped him. "I know that, but he will as soon as I get (Y/n)-" As soon as I said her name Itachi thrashed around and pulled on the chains making me laugh. "You care about her a little too much in my eyes." I grabbed his jaw making him look at me. "Tell me why and maybe I won't kill her."

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