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"So, this Orochimaru, how do you know him?" I asked as we drove down the road. "Back when I was in the gang, we did business with him. He was a bit sketch whenever he was around for said business but he always brought the goods." I nodded and didn't ask anymore questions. Mostly because I didn't want to know the 'goods' he was talking about. 

Sasuke was the one to be driving and he turned down a dirt road. There was no lights besides the headlights of the car. "This doesn't really feel safe." I said as Sasuke grabbed a hold of my hand. "I know but this is the way we have to go. It shouldn't be too far." With that a gate came into view and we came to a stop. 

A man came out of nowhere and knocked on the drivers window. Sasuke rolled down his window and the man peered into the car. He looked around and then started talking. "It's good to see you again, Sasuke." Then he looked at me. "And who might this be?" 

"She's none of your concern, we just need to see Orochimaru." The man backed away from the car and the gate started to open. We drove through and up to a small mansion. People started coming out and made a pathway for us. We got out of the car and Sasuke was quick to meet me on my side of the car. Walking up was weird. It was like the people were statues. They didn't move to look at us or do anything. They just stared straight ahead. 

"Sasuke." A voice said. I looked to see a very pale looking man who actually resembled a snake. "Come in." He turned around and walked to the front door. We followed shortly after. "Has he always looked like that?" I whispered. "I've only seen him like this since I first met him." Sasuke whispered back. "So, what do you want?" Orochimaru asked as he sat on a couch and motioned for us to sit on the other side. "My brother messed up."

Sasuke told him the whole story of the trouble we're in and Orochimaru listened intently, nodding every now and then. "So, you came to me hoping to get my help." We nodded. "However, what do I get out of helping you?" I was lost at that question because I had nothing to offer. With a deep breath in Orochimaru stood up and walked behind us. "How about you offer me the child?" He said as he put a hand on my head. 

"What the fu- No in fucking hell! I am not giving our child to a pale as motherfucking wannabe snake bitch like you!" I yelled standing up making Orochimaru's hand fall from my head, all while glaring at him. He didn't say anything but smirk. "You intrigue me." He walked back to his spot and sat back down. Sasuke grabbed my hand making me sit back down as well. "I'll help but you have to do a little work for me after." He pointed to Sasuke. 

"What kind of work?" He asked very seriously. "I need some stuff from your 'former' gang but ever since that pink haired bitch became part of it I haven't gotten anything I need."

"So you just need some stuff when this is all done."

"Exactly." God, are we going to regret this?

Part 2 Sasuke X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now