Chapter nineteen

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Never was meant to be this way

But turns out the villain is fun to play

Don't Make Me by Malinda

"Good morning, miss l/n, so nice of you to join us."

Your eyes came into focus slowly. You tried to raise your hands to rub the sleep out of them but found that you couldn't.

You glanced over your shoulder at the heavy, iron chains holding your hands behind your back. It occurred to you how much heavier the one on the left was and you quickly put two and two together.

You were back in Siberia, in the cell that you used to share with Bucky. With only a set of iron bars between you and general Karpov, whom you somehow hated even more now.

"What do you want with me?" You spat, not bothering to struggle against the chains. They were clearly designed for someone with a lot more strength than you, and probably a metal arm.

"Well," Karpov drawled, his cruel eyes peered through the bars at you. "We've just lost our most prized asset, and it appears to be your fault..." He paused dramatically. "So it seems only fitting that you take his place."

Your blood turned to ice, you knew exactly what that meant.

You tried to struggle to your feet as several men approached the cell, but the chains around your hands and arms sent a shock through your veins. It no longer felt like your blood was ice, now it was molten lava.

You resisted the urge to scream in pain, but a whimper still made it's way past your lips as rough hands unlocked the chains and pulled you to a standing position. Almost dragging you out of the room as the general looked on.

There was only one thought in your mind as excruciating pain continued to burn through your veins; I hope Bucky's safe.


Unknown location

Bodies littered the ground as the building went up in flames, spewing smoke and sparks into the air.

A white cat trotted at the dark figure's side as he stalked away from the smouldering wreck of a building, two pairs of dog tags held tight in one hand.

The orange light of the fire reflected in his eyes, several shades darker than they usually were. His long hair blew about his face, just brushing his shoulders.

The white cat meowed softly, catching his companion's attention.

"I know, I know," Bucky muttered, glancing at his hand, still clutching the dog tags. "But we have to find her, you don't have to come and you know it."

The cat meowed again, swishing his thick, white tail.

Bucky stopped abruptly, his fist closing around the tags so tightly that they seemed in danger of bending. "No. No, they wouldn't."

He shook his head slowly, sorrow and guilt clouding his normally sharp blue gaze. "For once, cat, I think you're right."

The cat shook out his fur imperiously, earning a snort from the man beside him.

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