Chapter ten

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Raise a glass to freedom

Something they can never take away

No matter what they tell you

The Story Of Tonight from Hamilton

"I don't want to do this anymore," It was the first time you'd ever heard Natalia cry. "I don't want to kill for them anymore."

"I know," His voice was kind, and you watched him gently take her hand. "But sometimes we don't get a choice."

"We should have a choice," Natalia hissed, anger clear in her voice as the moon lit her flaming red hair.

"Yet here we are," You finally made your presence known to the two assassins. "With no choice."

Natalia whipped around to glare at you, but the soldier seemed completely unsurprised by your appearance. He must have known you were there.

"Tomorrow I'm meant to earn my title as Black Widow," Natalia said wearily, turning her tear-streaked face back to the night sky. "If I fail, I have to do the entire ten years of training again. I don't know which is worse."

You nodded your agreement, she was right. She'd have to kill innocents either way.

"Maybe I should run away."

You spun around to face the red-haired woman with fear and anger in your eyes. "No."

Natalia seemed shocked by your outburst.

"The last time we-" you gestured to the soldier and yourself "- tried to run away, they punished us, horribly. I don't want you to deal with that too."

"Not if they can't find us," Her voice lowered as she looked you dead in the eye. "We could all run away, they couldn't find us even if they tried."

"Suppose they do find us?" You suggested.

Natalia shrugged. "We kill them, I guess."

You turned on the soldier, who had a spark of amusement in his eyes. "Did you know about this? How long have you two been planning to leave? When were you going to tell me?"

He glanced at Natalia before responding. "Two years."

"I was going to tell you," He added hurriedly. "We just needed to wait until we were sure we'd make it."

You snorted disbelievingly. "Do you really mean that? I reckon you'd stand more of a chance with her anyway, you were made for each other."

"No," There was something else in his eyes this time. "We're not close like that, we understand each other, that's it."

"But you don't even know my name," You spat back, not sure where this new-found anger was coming from. Had you really been jealous of Natalia this whole time?

"Go back inside Natalia," She obeyed instantly, clearly relieved to remove herself from the situation.

"I don't see how you can defend yourself here," You said angrily. "You were about to run away with her when I've stayed by your side for who knows how long! I get it, you don't remember me or our time together, but you remember everything about you and miss Romanova-"

"Will you listen to me for two minutes?"

You glowered at him.

"Y/n, listen to me,"

To The Bitter End (Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now