S.H.I.E.L.D. Report No. 4

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"Look, with mental conditioning like theirs, it's kind of hard to blame them for everything that happened."

"I'd like to think that if we knew Hydra still stood, we'd have gone after her, maybe saved her. But we're lying to ourselves, sometimes we're just as bad as they are."

"We assumed that Hydra fell with the Red Skull, then we assumed that Hydra fell with S.H.I.E.L.D., I think it's about time to stop assuming Hydra will fall."

"It's about time we accept that there'll always be people like Hydra, who believe they know what's best for society, who hurt other people because of past experiences and bitterness. We just need to deal with them as they come."

"Those poor people, they suffered so much and still have to deal with the hate of others, daily. Just give them a break!"

To The Bitter End (Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now