Chapter thirteen

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We shoot to kill

Aim for the heart

Live for the thrill

We shoot to kill

Shoot to Kill by Tommee Profitt

"Good morning, soldiers."

The man before you certainly wasn't Karpov, you knew that much. He was dressed smartly, and his blonde hair was short and neat.

"My name is Alexander Pierce," That answers that then. "Your work has been revolutionary to our cause, all I ask is that you do it again."

You noticed the way he addressed you as well, treating you and the soldier almost as equals. Interesting.

"Follow me."

As you walked, several more men, some wearing Hydra uniforms and others wearing one that was surprisingly similar. The only difference was that instead of the skull and tentacles, they had the emblem of a spread-winged eagle on their shoulders.

You brushed it off, these were either double agents or there was some uniform change going on.

"I don't see why the girl is so important," Someone muttered behind you.

The soldier whipped around to glare at the two agents, who both cowered back, muttering, and blaming each other. Some things never changed, women were always viewed as lower down than men, especially in Hydra.

"Please, show our assets some respect," Pierce had stopped walking and turned enough to reprimand the two, before continuing down the hall.

"He's about to go past you, if you want to catch him now's the time."

You'd hardly finished your sentence before the battered, black SUV burst into the street where the soldier was waiting. You watched from the sidewalk, trying to act subtle but unable to keep your eyes off the scene. It's not like everyone else wasn't staring as well.

He was almost unrecognizable with the mask, the goggles and the heavy black jacket instead of his usual one-sleeved uniform. You could see the metal of his left hand, but only your trained eyes, that knew it was there, would have spotted it with the speed that everything else was moving.

The SUV continued driving, maybe the driver thought he could run the Winter Soldier over. If he did, he was sorely mistaken.

You watched the soldier raise his gun and pull the trigger, releasing a round disk that skittered across the road and attached itself to the underside of the vehicle. Within seconds the bomb went off, causing the SUV to flip over in a cloud of smoke.

Your heartrate picked up just slightly when you saw the car go flying towards the soldier, but he seemed completely unphased. Simply stepping aside to avoid the airborne vehicle. Genius.

When the SUV finally crashed to the ground in a smoking heap, you started walking, not caring if any civilians witnessed it.

You caught up with the soldier a few meters from the overturned car as he took long, unhurried strides towards it. Both of you expected the driver to be too incapacitated to move, if he was even still alive, that is.

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