Chapter two

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And all the people say

You can't wake up

This is not a dream

Gasoline by Halsey

What might have been minutes – or hours – later, the lights went dark with no warning.

You were used to this, it meant that everyone else in the compound would be sleeping, except for guards and soldiers keeping watch. And that you probably should, too.

You reached out in the darkness until your hand met Bucky's and your fingers instinctively entwined with his. "You should sleep in the bed." You said softly.

You sensed movement and knew Bucky was shaking his head. "No, I've slept on the ground before."

"So have I," You asserted. "But you're hurt."

Bucky sighed in resignation and you let his hand go as he felt his way through the darkness. You allowed your eyes a moment to adjust – you'd grown used to the dark at this point so you could see fairly well – then moved to sit in front of the cot with your knees drawn up to your chest and your arms resting on them to block out the chill.

You felt a hand rest on your bent elbow and moved your own hand to lace your fingers with his again. "Thank you." Bucky's voice was barely above a whisper and you could hear the sincerity.

"What for?" You asked, leaning back against the bars of the bed.


"Wake up!"

The voice caused you to jolt awake.

Bucky was on his feet between you and the door as you cowered in the corner, not knowing what they wanted from you.

The man in the doorway was lean and wore a smart outfit, you knew him, he oversaw every beating or punishment that took place there.

"Have you rethought your decision, Soldat?" His voice was unpleasant in more ways than you could count. "It will be so much simpler if you join us willingly."

Bucky glanced back at you, his left fist clenching tight enough for you to hear the sound of metal grinding against metal. "I'd rather die."

"You'll wish you do by the time we're done with you."

You tried to ignore the sounds of whipcracks and the occasional scream of pain that echoed through the halls, but it was impossible.

You were sure that they weren't trying to quiet the sound because they wanted you to hear it.

It was almost a relief when they threw Bucky back in. He was bleeding worse than before and his breath rasped painfully in his throat.

"Oh my God." You breathed, taking in the severity of the wounds.

Whip cuts, bruises, knife wounds, they were all there. Clearly, they wanted Bucky on their side pretty badly

You checked your supplies, knowing that if they continued like this, they'd run out before the week was done.

To The Bitter End (Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now