Chapter twenty-three

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The first night on the helicarrier passed in a similar way to most of your nights at Hydra. You moved to sit against the wall that your cell shared with Bucky's, knees drawn up to your chest and your head resting back against the wall. It was comforting to know there was another person nearby.

You didn't know it, but Bucky had the same idea. If he listened closely enough, he could hear your breathing and heartbeat. A constant reminder that you were very much alive, safe – at least for now – and right there with only a reinforced wall between you. He closed his eyes, trying to forget that you were both in enemy territory with almost no way to escape.

Alpine curled up beside his companion. He didn't like confinement. He was a wild cat at heart, living with Bucky had been fine because he could leave whenever he pleased, but he had somewhere safe and warm to return to. And Bucky needed him, or he had.

Sleep didn't come for any of you.

Natasha Romanoff held her head high as she strode through the helicarrier, she didn't spare a glance for any of the agents walking by her.

Maria Hill was waiting outside the most secure area of the helicarrier writing a report. She stood up as Natasha approached. "Are you sure about this? They put up a fight, I don't think they'll be keen to help us."

"I know them both personally," Natasha said. "Just let me talk to them."

Maria nodded reluctantly and used the handprint recognition to open the door to the row of cells. Ten of the twelve cells were empty.

The cells that housed you and Bucky were right next to each other, sharing a wall. Natasha was fairly sure Maria had done that on purpose, so that, if you wanted to, you and Bucky could probably talk to each other through the wall.

You were pacing your cell feverishly, ignoring the pain that still throbbed in the back of your legs from where you'd been hit yesterday. You looked up at the sound of the door opening, walking to the front of your cell to watch Natasha's approach through the bulletproof glass.

She stopped in front of Bucky's cell first. His breaths were slow but shuddering, his head bowed low so his hair still covered his face. His arms were held behind him by two heavy, metal restraints, one just above his elbows and the over holding his wrists, a chain held both to the wall, preventing him from moving. The white cat sat beside him, cleaning his paws.

Bucky didn't look up as Natasha approached, but she knew he'd heard her, not much slipped past him.

Sure enough, as soon as she'd come to a stop, he spoke. Still not looking up. "As part of my training, they would put me in restraints similar to these then leave the room with the promise that they would kill one prisoner for every minute it took me to get out of the cell. There were very few prisoners at that time," he drew another shuddering breath. "I knew they'd kill y/n if I wasn't fast enough."

Natasha nodded, a flash of sympathy causing her eyes to find the floor.

"I'm sorry for what you two have been through," She said softly, raising one hand to rest on the glass. "But we need your help."

Bucky finally looked up, his eyes narrowing as they met Natasha's. Alpine remained indifferent, settling down with his paws underneath him and closing his eyes, though his ears remained pricked with interest.

You listened carefully from your spot beside the wall.

"All we want is to get on with our lives," Bucky spoke softly. "What could we possibly do to help you?"

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