Chapter four

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Soldier keep on marching on

Head down till the work is done

Waiting on that morning sun

Soldier keep on marching on

Soldier by Fleurie

"Two targets, husband and wife, no witnesses."

That's what they'd said, and that's why you and the Winter Soldier were now poised on the roof of a building, watching for someone to pass by one of the windows.

It was pitch black and you almost couldn't see him beside you, but you had to admit, he looked formidable.

Black tactical gear, combat boots, long, dark hair framing his face and a mask covering the lower half of it, if you hadn't known that Bucky was under that mask, you'd have run screaming. At least, you're pretty sure that it was Bucky under the mask.

He seemed different from usual when you went on missions like this, his eyes dead and cold, completely emotionless.

When you were back in your cell, he was fine, kind, gentle and very, very protective.

But he was always the same when it came to missions. No remorse, no mercy.

You weren't complaining though, if you'd stayed behind, Karpov would have had you killed. At least the soldier would keep you safe.


You jumped at the sudden sound.


"Move." He said, dropping the rifle before grabbing your arm and beginning to run along the rooftops.

You didn't have time to speak as the sounds of shouts began to follow you.

More gunshots sounded and he suddenly dropped back behind you, returning fire with deadly accuracy until his gun was empty. Another shot and a low growl of pain caused you to look around, but before you saw anything you were shoved behind a dark greenhouse and a hand covered your mouth.

"Shh," Bucky breathed as several armed men rushed past your hiding place.

You let your eyes drift over his form, searching for injuries with well-practised eyes before you spotted the bullet wound just above his hip.

Finally, he moved his hand from your mouth and stepped back, allowing you to breathe fully.

"Follow me." He said softly, keeping his head low as he walked cautiously along the rooftops before finding a gap between two of them and dropping down, dragging his metal hand in the wall to slow his descent. "Jump."

You didn't question it, you knew he'd catch you, so you took a breath, closed your eyes and stepped off the edge. Landing in strong arms a second later, you opened your eyes again as Bucky set you back on your feet.

As you approached the edge of the alleyway, he held up one hand to tell you to stop.

A silhouette stopped in front of the street and asked; "Who's there?"

Bucky's hand went to his gun, but you stopped him and gave him a look that meant; trust me

"Sorry, my cat ran away," You said, stepping out into the light.

You weren't wearing tactical gear, just your jacket, leggings and shoes were black for concealment, otherwise, you could easily pass as a civilian.

"Do you want me to look, ma'am?" Asked the man, he was tall and lean but otherwise not much to look at.

"No, I think he ran up the building," You sighed, letting a note of resignation creep into your voice. "I should probably be heading home."

"Let me walk you," The man offered. "It gets dangerous out here at night."

You could almost feel Bucky's eyes boring into the back of your head, it was plain that he desperately wanted to shoot the man and get on with life. But you wanted to avoid blood if you could.

"I think I can take care of myself," You said sweetly. "My – uh – boyfriend is just a block or so away anyway."

You noticed the way the man's shoulders slumped slightly and felt just a bit sorry for him.

"But thank you for the offer." You added.

You watched his departure until he was well out of earshot, then let out a sigh of relief as you retreated into the shadows.

"That was... interesting," Bucky said, side eying you.

"You don't always have to attack first." You replied coolly.

"No, I mean you're a good actor," You noticed him wince slightly as he spoke and quickly knelt to check the bullet wound in his side. "That was some quick thinking-" he broke off with a sharp hiss of pain as you applied a little pressure to the wound to try and stem the bleeding.

"We should be getting back, you got them both, right?" You asked, standing up.

"I never miss, doll."

"Everyone does sometimes."

Bucky shook his head, not wanting to argue the point further, then led the way back to where your ride would be waiting.

"Mission report."

You groaned inwardly as General Karpov's ugly face came into view.

"Both dead, no witnesses," Bucky said tonelessly, it was as if a switch had turned on inside him, he stood with his head high, looking straight forward, his shoulders and back were ramrod straight.

The general nodded and waved, signalling you both to leave.

You and Bucky strutted down the hall towards your cell, you knew the way by heart now despite never having left the cell before a couple of months ago. You still stuck close to his side, avoiding the gazes of anyone you passed.

Bucky let out a low groan of pain as he took a seat on the edge of the bed and you quickly set about patching up the wound.

"Well done," You muttered, your voice was laden with sarcasm.

"I'm glad you're here, doll." He said quietly, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, right on the line of the old, faded scar from a few months ago.

The mark was barely there, and only a thin layer of makeup would cover it completely – not that you had access to anything like that – but wouldn't even if you could. Scars weren't blemishes, neither you nor Bucky viewed them like that, they were signs, signs to show you'd fought back.

You looked up at Bucky's face again, his eyes are kind and sad. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

A small stab of fear made its way to your heart and you shook your head, going back to wrapping a strip of gauze around the wound on his side.

"You may find out someday."

To The Bitter End (Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now