Chapter eight

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Here's to the strongest fighter

Here's to the last survivor

It's Got My Name On It by Tommee Profitt

Hollow. Empty. Dead.

That's how you felt.

How you had felt for the past year.

He'd been gone too long. And he'd taken all his light with him.

Not a fragment of hope remained in your shattered heart.

He was alive, you were sure of that.

That was the only thing keeping you alive.

Every day was the same;

Wake up, eat on occasion, and train.

You'd been self-training for a while, remembering every fighting move and style you'd ever seen and practising until you had it perfect.

Any Hydra agent who dared enter your room would leave moments later with a bloody nose and several bruises.

Speak of the devil. The sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the halls and you got to your feet with a gusty sigh.

You heard the lock click and the grating sound of the door opening.

The room was too dark for you to see who it was, but it didn't matter. A Hydra agent was a Hydra agent.

Your first attack came from the side, you threw a quick punch that caught their side and another that hit their jaw. You blocked three successive blows that were surprisingly forceful then went on the attack again.

This agent was clearly more skilled than the others, you should have sent him packing by now.

You saw the kick coming a mile away and quickly raised your leg to block it before using the same leg to unbalance him by hitting his other knee. He made a noise of surprise, staggering back a few paces and you took your chance again.

But this time, you found both of your wrists caught in a vice-like grip then you were slammed against the wall. The force of the impact knocked the breath out of you and you wheezed, trying to get your breath back.

You looked up at your opponent, not knowing what to expect, but least of all expecting your eyes to lock with the icy blue gaze of Bucky Barnes.

"Bucky?" You squeaked.

His eyes filled with confusion, but he released his grip on your wrists, allowing you to step away from the wall.

"I see you've learned a few tricks," someone drawled from the entrance of the cell.

You spun around, fists high, ready to defend yourself and Bucky if need be.

"Stand down," Karpov snapped at you. "We're not going to hurt you. Not yet anyway."

You stood a little straighter but didn't unclench your fists. "Why would I believe you?"

Karpov shrugged and turned away. "Fair enough. But know this, if you cause any more trouble, we won't just kill you, but your sister as well."

Your blood turned to ice as his words sank in, your sister. They were going to kill her too if you didn't stay in your place.

Alright, General, You thought begrudgingly. You win.

To The Bitter End (Bucky Barnes/ Winter Soldier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now